Three News Stories - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Three News Stories

Over the past week to ten days, there has been no shortage of excellent pro-life stories and articles. I have culled three from among these.

The first is about a courageous young nursing student - Anne Marie Dust. The academic institution, Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN, she was thinking of attending had the requirement that all nursing students needed to participate in abortions. This requirement gratted against her pro-life convinctions. Instead of applying to another nursing school, she decided to legally challenge this requirement as discriminatory. With the aid of some sound legal support, she did and won. So, now all nursing students at Vanderbilt can forego it. A fuller treatment of the events, including a video interview with the Anne Marie, may be found here.

The second story, an article, exposes the gargantuan problem that are chemical abortions, a.k.a. as hormonal birth control. The author, Ms. Jenn Giroux, a registered nurse, does a terrifc job explaining what hormonal birth control is and indicates how montrously a problem it is, particularly in light of the ready availability of contraceptives. Her article urges us all not only to fight the harm that surgical abortions are committing but also not to affirm the devastation that chemical abortions are doing to our younger brothers and sisters (not to mention the harm these hormones are doing to the women who are using them.) You can read here article here.

The third and final note, a story, illustrates the courageous pro-life spirit of a mother. Bernadette, a Michigan mother of 7 already, discovered that she was pregnant with her eighth. Prenatal screening revealed that the child had a genetic disorder - trisomy 18. Yet she did not buckle under the pressures to abort her child, carrying her daughter to term, who today is 4 years-old. Her interview may be read here.



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