The Great Supper - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



The Great Supper

15 Hearing this, one of his fellow guests said to him, Blessed is the man who shall feast in the kingdom of God. 16 He (Jesus) answered him thus, There was a man that gave a great supper, and sent out many invitations. 17 And when the time came for his supper, he sent one of his own servants telling the invited guests to come, for all was now ready. 18 And all of them, with one accord, began making excuses. I have bought a farm, the first said to him, and I must needs go and look over it; I pray thee, count me excused. 19 And another said, I have bought five pair of oxen, and I am on my way to make trial of them; I pray thee, count me excused. 20 And another said, I have married a wife, and so I am unable to come. 21 The servant came back and told his master all this, whereupon the host fell into a rage, and said to his servant, Quick, go out into the streets and lanes of the city; bring in the poor, the cripples, the blind and the lame. 22 And when the servant told him, Sir, all has been done according to thy command, but there is room left still, 23 the master said to the servant, Go out into the highways and the hedge-rows, and give them no choice but to come in, that so my house may be filled. 24 I tell you, none of those who were first invited shall taste of my supper. (Luke 14:15-24)

This Gospel passage reminds me of the just completed Forty Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion.

The Quebec Life Coalition has consistently organized 40-day vigils since the spring of 2009 - one during Lent and the other straddling the month of October, the month dedicated to the holy rosary.

Much like the host of the great supper in the above passage, the QLC has sent out many invitations for persons and groups to join us for the purpose of witnessing for life.

Again, much like the scriptural passage many have not heeded our invitations, for one reason or another.

As servants at our Lord’s table, we trust in His Providential care for us and for all His little ones.

Much like the servants in the Gospel passage, into the streets and dark spaces of Montreal we went and invited others.

As the twelve hour per day “40-Day for Life” vigil ends, so resumes the two-hour per day Vigil 365, our continuous presence at the intersection Berri and St-Catherine Streets, in downtown Montreal, where five abortion facilities are situated in close proximity.

On one day, I witnessed three women entering a building suspected of were heading to the abortion facility.

The great supper mentioned by the evangelist Luke refers to the heavenly banquet that awaits us all if and only if we heed the invitation.

Our presence, our signs, our cross all beckon pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike to share in this banquet.

… bring in the poor, the cripples, the blind and the lame.

Joyfully our voices are being heard and acted upon by others... the homeless in the area.

  • Francis, young and homeless, came to humbly honour our six-foot cross.
  • Pierre, homeless, who carries the entirety of his possessions in an army surplus bag and who begs at the entrance of the Metro entrance, day after day, has shared his alms with those of us present.
  • Gabrielle, who offers her charms, brims with joy as I give her a Miraculous Medal.
  • Karen, homeless, rushes over to him to kiss me, joyful that a motorist had stopped to give her a $20 bill.
  • Claudi and Lucie, both homeless and have a walking impairments, come to see us regularly to ask for alms and to chat.

These are the treasures of the Church who have accepted Our Lord’s invitation to the great supper.

Yet, Scripture tells that there are still places left to be filled.

Do you wish to partake of it? Do you know someone who can be invited?

Our Lord wishes that his house be filled. What is stopping each one of us to fulfill our Delight’s wishes?

Your brother in Christ Jesus,

Brian Jenkins

Outreach Coordinator

Quebec Life Coalition

p.s. The Quebec Life Coalition depends entirely on the good will of our readers to continue our work. If you living circumstances permit, kindly consider making a financial gift


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  • published this page in News 2020-11-20 14:38:01 -0500