By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: partystock/Freepik
I thank God for the many people dedicated at building a culture of life that we work with. A case in point illustrates this matter.
In a previous entry, I wrote to you about Danielle. She had contacted our pregnancy support line this past April. Alone, in Canada on Humanitarian grounds, she called to ask whether we would buy her a bed. As her pregnancy was progressing, she was finding it ever more uncomfortable sleeping on the floor. Fortunately, close to her apartment, a retailer was found which sold beds, boxes, and linen and in no time was a deal made, with a delivery arranged for either the following day or the day after.
Since this first encounter, we have continued to provide her with moral and material support.
This past week, in her 34th week, Danielle called us to ask whether we could help her prepare for the arrival of her children, because she is expecting twins. She listed articles including two car seats, diapers, and wipes.
Danielle's supplies gathered at the CQV office before delivery.
Drawing on our network of supporters, we were able to bring together articles from as far as Drummondville. We also made use of the internet to find a second car seat and this past Saturday, a volunteer driver along with one of us delivered the goods to Danielle's apartment.
In total, between seven to eight people, three of whom were drivers, volunteered about ten to fifteen hours of their time to collect and deliver the items.
At the writing of this summary, Danielle has two car seats for her to be newborns, wipes, clothes, premature diapers, and many other items. Blessings to all those who contributed in one manner or other permitting Danielle to prepare for the delivery of her twins in peace.
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