Blessed Easter greetings to you and your loved ones.
Question: How do we go about sharing the pro-life message?
Answer: Trusting the Holy Spirit to lead us when and with whom.
Holidays are propitious times to share the message of life to family members and friends. Yet, as part of a family in which my siblings have had their own children and grandchildren are sprouting therefrom, our family gatherings have become memories and our household a stopover to visit the family matriarch.
Yet, the Holy Spirit continues to work unimpeded by circumstances to foster and promote life, as I recently experienced.
During one such stopover, my sister came into the kitchen as I was cleaning up after a late lunch. To my surprise she brought up the topic of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion and in almost the same breath, labelled this activity as militant and extremist as the brutal events of the previous week in which 34 were killed and many, wounded in Brussels.
Stunned, bewildered, I managed to say that our aim is to promote the respect of life from conception to a natural death. This statement did not elicit any reply. Rather, I was then the recipient of a series of statements which, I don't doubt, many of you are familiar with in which nary we have a chance to respond: “A woman has a right to choose,” “all the women I have spoken with are of the same opinion on this issue,” etc.
The Death of Dialogue
This interaction made me wonder whether civil discourse on this issue is possible. Of course, it is. Witness the recently concluded 40-day prayer vigil, in which I and many who came to pray were blessed to share our message of life in a civil manner with genuinely interested persons, men and women, of all ages.
Yes, we also met many who expressed themselves in the manner similar to my sister or worst – i.e., impetuously expressing their opinions without any desire to listen to another view, whether similar or not.
Why is this?
Author, philosopher Peter Kreeft offers insight in his dialogue “Between Heaven and Hell,” involving C.S. Lewis, John F. Kennedy and Aldous Huxley. Lewis at one point responds to a statement by Kennedy to the effect that people are more content living with lies because the truth would be too painful to admit and, so, we do not always want it.Another advocate of truth is Mother Angelica who died this past Easter Sunday. The foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network is known for not mincing her words. One quote appears in the photo and another states: “If you’re not a thorn in somebody’s side, you aren’t doing Christianity right.”
May our reward in this life be that we follow in Our Lord’s footsteps, and his alone.
I wish to thank you for your on-going support in promoting a culture of life. It is truly a privilege to share the pro-life message, by dialogue and other means that we at the Quebec Life Coalition are doing.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Brian Jenkins
Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition
P.S. Our court challenge to affirm our right to pray outside abortion facilities continues. As a result, expenses are incurred and so your support in paying our legal fees would be most helpful. Thank you.
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