How close are we to end abortion in Quebec, in Canada?
This is a sobering question, as are the following ones:
- Have there been laws enacted criminalizing abortions with stiff penalties against those who perform these hideous crimes?
- Are there more elected officials and members of our clergy denouncing the perils of abortion?
- At the grassroots, how well attended are our various functions?
- Has there been more turn-arounds when we are praying on the streets of Montreal?
- Have we come to the aid of women experiencing distress in their pregnancy?
- Where is God when his children are being barbarously killed and maimed?
Though the answers to these questions are cause for worry, there are hopeful signs around us.
Recently while walking through Lahaie Park, the site where the Quebec Life Coalition will begin shortly its 14th of its 16 prayer vigils for the end of abortion, across the street from the former site of the Morgentaler abortion mill, I saw how Our Lord is answering our prayers. Two young women were nursing their infants. If ever there was a bona fide sign of the culture of life, this is it.
Yes, we would like more affirmative actions to our prayers, to the above questions. Yet, until these happen, as these have occurred in other jurisdictions, we must not neglect the more subtle signs of a budding culture of life in our midst.
Here’s another sign. In the fall of 2014, after 20 years at the same location the Morgentaler facility moved. I’m no student of business administration, but it seems to me that relocating one’s commerce is a decision not taken lightly.
Is this move the result of our twice yearly, 40-day prayer vigils 12-hours per day, for 6 consecutive years, of the sidewalk counselling services we’ve offered on their doorsteps? Is our perseverance in defense of the unborn why they petitioned the Superior Court to order us away from their new site?
God alone knows the answers.
Yes, it would have been more gratifying had either the facility closed entirely or one of its abortionists quit the practice and publicly denounced the vile practice.
Yet, God’s ways are not our ways.
Ours are prayer in perseverance, having our petitions answered in subtle ways. Our Lord spoke of the effectiveness of prayer and fasting against the vilest spirits.
Yet a third sign came one morning when I received a call from a young woman needing to leave an abusive relationship. She dialed our toll free crisis pregnancy line (1-855-871-4442), and we were able to direct her to an agency that could provide for her safety.
Helping women living a crisis pregnancy is yet another way to end abortion. To this end, many of us are banding together to create a centre to welcome such women. Volunteers, clergy, and tradesmen are all lending a hand to spruce up a three-bedroom lodging which will offer a respite from the pressures they experience to abort their child.
In July, beds, dressers, a refrigerator and a stove, couches, etc., made their way into the centre. In the same month, three bedrooms were freshly painted – violet, green, and copper. Finally this second week of August, the floors were sanded and lacquered.
Nursing mothers, uprooting an abortion facility, supporting women in a crisis pregnancy are some of the signs Our Lord’s is among working at ending abortion.
Thank you for your on-going prayers and material support.
Brian A. Jenkins
Outreach Coordinator
p.s. Though we are always grateful to receive your donations, these days I could use the support of an extra pair of strong hands. We've been offered a freezer for the pregnancy centre and so some strong arms are needed to move it in. I could also use the help of someone able to repair a leaky shower and do other other bathroom repairs. Thanks.
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