Quebec Elections - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Quebec Elections

This week, there is some good news and some bad news coming out of Quebec. The Quebec General elections were held this Monday, and with little surprise, the CAQ, Coalition Avenir Quebec, won another majority government with 41% of the popular vote and 72% of the seats. That’s the bad news. The CAQ is a completely secular party that has filled the void of the lack of conservatism in Quebec. The CAQ is seen by many Quebecers as a lifeboat for preserving Quebec identity and culture in increasingly turbulent times, which accounts for its popularity. Until just before this election season, it was the most right-wing party in Quebec.

But here's the good news…

With the return of a viable Conservative party of Quebec for the first time since the 70’s, there is reason to hope. The newly revived Conservative Party of Quebec captured 13% of the popular vote (up from a mere 1.5% last election). Even though it did not win a single seat in the National Assembly (finishing in 2nd place in many ridings), there is little doubt that their popularity will continue to increase. The rapid surge of the Conservative party of Quebec in the past months, under the leadership of Eric Duhaime, is giving new political opportunities for pro-life, pro-family and pro-God ideas to return to the barren political landscape of Quebec. Even though the leader, Eric Duhaime, identifies himself as homosexual, there is a way forward. Just like Pierre Poilievre is opposed to our pro-life beliefs, there are great opportunities within both the federal Conservative party and the Quebec Provincial Conservative party.

The pro-life movement cannot neglect its political arm. As pro-lifers, we cannot ignore the political reality that we live in. I know so many of you really care for the unborn and are already working hard to protect life in other fields, that is great! Thank you!!! But on top of involvement in other pro-life activities, every able pro-lifer also needs to do the minimum for the political branch of the pro-life movement. If you vote in general elections, that’s good, but that is not enough. The minimum, I recommend, is to hold an active membership in both a federal and provincial political party where you can assert your influence. 

And this is what I ask of pro-lifers in Quebec and anywhere else:

Become a member of a political party
Both a federal party, and a provincial party. Whatever your opinion about our political system, by getting involved, we can make a difference. For politically active pro-lifers in the rest of Canada, you may be surprised to know that here in Quebec, Conservative riding associations usually have less than 100 members, and only a fraction of them are active. At the last AGM (annual general meeting) in my riding, I was one of 4 voting members. Imagine how much a single church community or a group of pro-life friends can accomplish by getting active with numbers like this! 

In the next 2-3 years, we at Quebec Life Coalition plan on identifying pro-life candidates so that in every riding in Quebec, pro-lifers can, in good conscience, vote for a candidate who properly represents their values. Ideally, we would like that these candidates be in a political party where they will have the largest influence and the largest chance to get elected. For this end, we also need to find good people to support these candidates when they present themselves. If a candidate was to be selected at the AGM where only a few voting members are present, those few can decide on whose name is on the ballot. This is the reason for membership in political parties. 

I cannot go into any more detail as this e-mail is already longer than it should. But should you have any questions, please send me an e-mail. I will be very happy to have a conversation with you. This is my job: to help pro-lifers understand how they can have an impact for life through politics. 

In closing, I would like to thank all our generous donors who have helped us surpass our fundraising goals. As of today, our fundraising campaign raised 16489.00$. These funds will go a long way in advancing the fight for life in Quebec. 

Arpad Nagy
Director of Political Operations

P.S. Kelly Block's Bill C-230, the Freedom of conscience bill should be happening soon. If you have not yet contacted your member of parliament to encourage them to vote yes to the bill, please call the member of parliament in your riding. Find their contact information here.

P.P.S. My colleague Brian Jenkins is organizing another 40 days for life in Sherbrooke, please join him in person, if you can, or in prayer.

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  • published this page in News 2022-10-05 15:54:59 -0400