Pro-abortion advocates concerned about "misinformation" - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Pro-abortion activists concerned about "misinformation"

Two pieces of news stand out this week. The first is the allocation of $1.4 million to "pro-choice" (pro-abortion) groups in Quebec by Minister Martine Biron, responsible for the status of women. This is an admission of concern on their part, as they aim to counter the "disinformation" of groups like Quebec Life Coalition, who don't hesitate to speak frankly to the public about abortion, what it is and its consequences for individuals and society.

The second piece of news is that the federal government has decided to wait a while longer before allowing euthanasia for the mentally ill. It's good news that they've decided to slow down their destructive rush to decriminalize assisted suicide, but they're nonetheless showing a great willingness to implement this terrible measure.

Finally, our Students for Life Montreal event was a resounding success. Thanks to our main organizer, Brian Jenkins, for all his hard work!


Quebec Life Coalition 35th Anniversary Dinner

Celebrating 35 years! Since 1989, Quebec Life Coalition has been fighting for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death. Come celebrate with our pro-life family, in all simplicity: we'll be holding our 35th anniversary dinner on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Saint-Ambroise church hall in Montreal (side door on rue de Normandville, church located at 1215 rue Beaubien E, Montreal, QC H2S 1T8) with none other than National Coalition for Life president Jeff Gunnarson and myself, CQV president Georges Buscemi and Dr. Paul Saba, this year's recipient of the Gilles Grondin award for outstanding Quebec pro-life activist. Come and join us! Doors open at 4:30 p.m., with dinner starting around 5:30 p.m.

Tickets are $30 each and can be purchased by phone: 1-855-996-2686 or (514) 344-2686. (Please note: Most of the speeches and other interventions will be in French.)

For Life,

Georges Buscemi
President of Quebec Life Coalition

Our featured articles this week:

Canadian government postpones euthanasia for mental illness again
The Trudeau government (momentarily) backs down again on the issue of euthanasia for people suffering solely from mental illness.

Quebec government squanders $1.4 million to fund 4 pro-abortion organizations
The Quebec government, through Martine Biron, Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, and responsible for the Status of Women, has announced $1.4 million in funding for four pro-abortion organizations.

Our Montreal Students for Life event
This year, we held our second Montreal Students for Life event on January 26, 2024, at the Quebec Life Coalition offices.

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  • published this page in News 2024-02-01 17:08:25 -0500