Prayer Request - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Prayer Request

Your prayers are urgently requested for one of our precious children.

This afternoon I received a call from a faithful prayer warrior, telling me that in one of the Montreal area hospitals, this toddler was removed from water and nutrition last week at the request mother and father.

Death may be imminent. According to Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coaltion, for the given circumstances, a child typically lives between four and seven days.

We pray that Our Heavenly be merciful to this little one and that she may be accompanied on her final journey home to meet Him.

Post-Script (Dec13)

I'm saddened to inform you that the little girl died late this Monday past. May she rest in peace.

Also, we continue to keep her grieving parents in our thoughts and prayers as well as the attending physicians in this ward. May the latter continue to work so as to safeguard the previous gift of life in all of their patients.

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