I’m writing to solicit your prayers… on three fronts.
First, Denise (I've modified the names in this blog to maintain confidentiality) emailed us with kudos for our toll-free telephone line. She recently came across it and regrets that she had not seen a year ago, when she was pregnant. At time, pressured by family and others, she aborted her child, a decision that she painfully regrets . Please keep her in your prayer intentions.
Also, Jay called our office this morning seeking support. His girl-friend found out yesterday that she is pregnant and aborting their child is a possibility, despite the fact that Jay and his family want the pregnancy to continue. Yesterday she has belligerent with him and has isolated herself. Also, the start of an out-of-province internship is weighing on her. Your prayers for both Jay and his girl-friend are needed.
Finally, we welcome your prayers regarding a larger project. Next Monday the pastoral council at the Marian shrine Our Lady of the Cap – Trois-Rivières, will be convening in a special session to discuss whether to designate itself as a prayer centre for post-abortive women.
Aspects of this ministry include becoming a depository for post-abortive stories and a healing ministry. The agenda also includes sponsoring a national prayer campaign for post-abortive women.
A prayer of the following form will also be discussed:
Prayer for the Respect of Truth and Life
O Most Holy Virgin Mary, your Divine Son Jesus forgave the adulterous woman as the crowd was about to stone her. The Word incarnate protected her with the words “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Blessed Mother, we men and women wish to follow in Your Son's footsteps both in praying and in deed for the cause of Truth and Life. In the image of Our Lord Jesus, with open arms we lovingly welcome all those who have participated in the interruption life at a time when Love and Truth was absent from their lives.
Blessed Mother, this fault afflicts their consciences and causes undue suffering. We humbly ask you to intercede with you Divine Son Jesus that He shed upon them the light of his mercy through reconciliation with your Church.
We solicit your prayers and sacrifices on these three fronts.
Update (20Jan2012):
- Denise has expressed a desire to do volunteer work with us. Further she has ok'ed the suggestion of sharing her story, whether on-line or elsewhere. Once I translate her testimony, I'll post it.
- A follow-up telephone call to the young man - Jay, whose girl-friend was thinking of having an abortion did not reveal any hopeful sign. She has remained uncommunicative with him. What news he has is through a mutual friend. The latter informs him that she has gone on her intership and an abortion is most likely. We continue our prayers for her (and him) as she deals with the after-effects of abortion.
- Finally regarding the marian sanctuary in Cap-de-la-Madeline, the discussion on whether to include in its apostolate a ministry to post-abortive women has been tabled to its next meeting - February 23, 2012. Your prayers in this matter, as in the others, are requested.
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