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Join Us in Defending Life and Family

Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Sacred Heart Pilgrimage

We are about to enter summer and what better way to do so than to be outdoors, giving thanks to our Creator.

If this appeals to you, consider joining us for a walking pilgrmage on the Feast to the Sacred-Heart of Jesus - Saturday, June 25, 2022.

This will be a 6-kilometer walk, pictured below, whose purpose is to offer our prayers and sacrifices for the end of abortion in our society.

We meet at Mary-Queen-of-the-World Cathedral where for those interested a 7:30 am mass will be celebrated.

We set out after the mass from the front of the church - on René-Lévesque Blvd., and travel the six kilometer route stopping outside seven additional shrines and six abortion facilities.

The entire itinerary may be found here.

At each of these, we will offer prayers of reparation for the victims of abortions, the innocent children killed by abortion and their mothers maimed by the experience and the families involved.

We will also make intercessory prayers that this tragedy never happens again.

Can you think of a better way to promote the culture of life in Quebec?

Hoping to see many of you on Saturday, June 25, 2022.


Brian Jenkins

p.s. For the full list of upcoming QLC activities, click on the image found below.


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  • published this page in News 2022-06-02 18:50:10 -0400
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