Parental Rights Video - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Parental Rights Video

I just finished watching the accompanying video and recommend it for your viewing.

Though the setting is the United States, we in Quebec can identify with the video's theme of the ever-encroaching presence of the state in our daily affairs, particularly as these bear with the raising our children. In our province, we have witnessed both the diluting of our Faith traditions from the public schools and the implementing of permissive sex education programs and policies therein.

The video presents three cases in which parental rights towards their children have been undermined - health care, education, and faith formation.

Further, the video explains how these come about - very gradually and implemented via domestic and foreign legislation.

The video ends by urging all americans to get involved to pass a constitutional change via a petition campaign, known as the Parental Rights Amendment. Information available here.

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