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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Our pro-life message to a post-Easter world

Humanly speaking, ending abortion in our country, or at least making it illegal, is the political equivalent of reversing the law of gravity. For a man or woman who does not have faith, there is nothing more insane than to get involved in this fight which, from a merely human point of view, is a waste of time. Let us look at the state of affairs, the battlefield in front of us, pro-life fighters, with the eyes of the world.

First, there are the 338 federal MPs in Canada. It is up to them to legislate against the murder of unborn children. To pass a law that would criminalize abortion, a bill would have to be introduced. There is no tolerance for pro-lifers in the following parties: the Liberal Party, the Bloc Québécois and the NDP. That leaves only fringe parties to accommodate pro-lifers, or the Conservative Party, which, although it has fairly regular access to power, barely tolerates the presence of pro-life MPs. If we can now count on about 40 pro-life MPs in that party (mostly from rural ridings in Western Canada), we would need at least 129 more to achieve a majority of votes in the House of Commons. Where will these votes come from today? The situation is similar in the Senate.

Let us now turn our attention to the electorate, for it is ultimately the electorate that has the duty to elect members of parliament. Here the situation is not much better. If barely 10% of the MPs are pro-life, this is only a more or less accurate reflection of the proportion of those who respect the life of the unborn child within the electorate. The 90 percent who are not pro-life, or fully pro-life, are certainly not all zealots for human sacrifice, but they may have an even more serious flaw, a complete indifference and selfishness. They mostly vote for their bellies.

Let us turn to those who are responsible for the formation of the public, for its instruction, education and entertainment. The mass media (the CBC, other news channels, major newspapers, etc.) are won over to the pro-abortion ideology of “choice” without regard for the life of the unborn child. In a newsroom, we would be hard-pressed to find even one pro-lifer out of 100, and the odds would be that the pro-lifer in that room would only have the job of emptying the trash cans and changing the water jug. The situation is the same in theatres or movie studios: if they don’t always produce “pro-choice” propaganda series or films, they very often produce simply vulgar works that corrupt morals and further dumb down the population, making them unable to vote properly. As for schools and universities, they are not in much better shape, most of them working around the clock to free students from the “taboos” (morals) and “superstitions” (faith) that their parents may have tried to instill in them.

Moreover, no country is completely isolated, but tends to form blocs of like-minded countries. Now, the Western bloc (Europe/USA/Great-Britain-Canada-Australia, etc.) is largely “pro-choice,” except for a few states within the US. The Asian blocs (China, India, Japan, etc.) are also pro-choice, in the sense that they do not consider the unborn child a human being in the fullest sense of the word. Africa is rather pro-life, but poor, without much influence, and constantly harassed for its “retrograde” values. Let’s not dwell on supranational bodies such as the UN, the WHO, the European Union, or the World Economic Forum, which constantly promote not only abortion, but everything that contributes to it, such as contraception, gay pseudo-marriage and surrogate motherhood, not to mention a delirious transhumanism and a nihilistic ecologism.

Finally —and I am still speaking from a human perspective—the greatest challenge for pro-lifers is the almost complete collapse, from the second half of the 20th century onwards, of the pro-life institution par excellence, the Catholic Church, which for 2,000 years taught the dignity of Man from the moment of his conception by preaching the existence of a God-Man who became incarnate in the virginal womb of His Mother. The Church today is in such a state of discredit and popular opprobrium, in such a state of demographic decrepitude (priests and religious whose average age is around 75 years) that it no longer seems to be able to counteract the influence of the above-mentioned media and anti-educational mind-deformation systems. On the contrary, in its advanced state of decay, it has not only ceased to oppose contemporary errors, but is hurrying to bless certain so-called “positive” aspects of them, hoping perhaps to gain some recognition, although these attempts at conciliation only provoke universal contempt.

Here then, from a human point of view, are the challenges we face as pro-lifers in Quebec, in Canada and in the world. In order to achieve our goal, we must convert almost all parliaments, senates, courts, media, schools and universities, and international bodies. And in the eyes of churchmen—these representatives of the Institution in charge of converting man from sins such as abortion—we are generally perceived as embarrassing backward people from whom it would be better to be rid of to look better in the eyes of the world…


If all of the above described the totality of reality, we pro-lifers would be sad characters indeed. But FORTUNATELY, not everything has been said, because my analysis has only been done from a human perspective. The good news is that there are higher truths than the ones I just listed. This is our reason to celebrate Easter: fallen nature, that closed horizon that ends sooner or later with death, has been overcome by a God-Man who knew how to resurrect himself! This God-man has shown us that in addition to the natural there is the supernatural, and in addition to raw fact there is revelation. BLESSED is he whose gaze goes beyond purely human understanding, for he possesses within himself a priceless treasure, FAITH, a seed of eternity which is called to spread its shoots to infinity.

This is why the present situation only motivates the pro-lifer more. Unlike the worldly person for whom worldly success is necessary to feed his pride, for us pro-lifers, true success is to work for the conversion of sinners, including ourselves, while living in the sanctifying grace of God.

We take up the Beatitudes of Our Lord: BLESSED is the person who confronts an innumerable pro-abortion army, because this means that she has on her side, apart from the handful of pro-lifers scattered all over the world, like grains of mustard seed, a great ally, the Almighty God, creator, and perpetual sustainer of all that exists. BLESSED are we who are not “of the world,” who do not fight with the weapons of our enemies, who do not speak when “everyone is talking about it,” but who remain silent inwardly in adoration and contemplation of the One who gave us everything, Jesus Christ our Savior.

Unlike “pro-choicers”, we have the exceptional grace of knowing that only the loving gaze of God gives us our value and dignity. Whether we live in “pro-life” Christendom or in our contemporary apostate world is of little importance to us, for it is the same God who is enthroned in both cases, with the same goodness and omnipotence. Therefore, let us not be ashamed to offer to God our humble acts of charity towards our neighbour, especially the unborn child targeted by abortion. God will know how to do great things with them, in his own time, and according to his unfathomable will.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi, President of Quebec Life Coalition

P.S. — Don't forget the National Marche for Life this May 11. Visit our website for more info!

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  • published this page in News 2023-04-12 18:11:36 -0400