On Miscarriage and Abortion: MP Benoit - Quebec Life Coalition
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On Miscarriage and Abortion: MP Benoit

Yesterday, MP Leon Benoit rose in the House of Commons and addressed the topic of the rights of the unborn. The following are his statements as recorded in official report of the House - Hansard.



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mr. Leon Benoit (Vegreville—Wainwright, CPC):

Mr. Speaker, a few months ago, my daughter, Jennifer, and her husband were devastated when they lost their unborn child through a miscarriage. She cried herself to sleep for weeks, and maybe still does.

My wife, Linda, and I experienced the same sense of loss and emptiness when we lost our first child to a miscarriage. People never really get over it.

I know that many parents experience this same pain but what I cannot square and what I need someone to explain to me is why the loss is any less when a child is aborted. Why is the loss any less, why does the child become less just because it is not wanted?

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