The National March for Life is less than three weeks away!
Canada's Shame
Canada does not have any law regulating abortions. This means that abortions are possible at any time throughout the full nine months of gestation. We along with China and North Korea are the only countries in the world with this "distinction."
The rally in Ottawa on this the 150th anniversary of the founding of our country plays upon the lyrics from our national anthem.
Our respect for life is also mirrored in the beliefs of our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald, who opposed abortion and stated that "abortion saps the very life-blood from the nation."
Travel with QLC
Have you made your travel arrangements yet?
There are buses leaving Montreal, Quebec City (and Drummondville), and Sherbrooke.
Montreal - There will be two chartered buses from Montreal on Thursday, May 11, 2017, for this day-trip to attend the National March in Ottawa.
- One leaves downtown Montreal (895 la Gauchetière street west, outside of Tim Horton’s) and
- the second from Laval (Holy Name of Jesus church, 899 Chomedey Blvd.)
Both buses will stop at the Fairview Shopping Centre (Sears) in Pointe-Claire to pick up and unload passengers.
Our Program for the day is as follows:
07h00 Departure
10h00 Arrival and Mass in Ottawa
Noon Lunch/rally on Parliament Hill
13h30 March through Ottawa
14h45 Testimonials
16h00 Return to Montreal
Register yourself by calling either 514-344-2686 or 438-930-8643. The cost is $40.
Quebec City - As in years past, the inter-city coach will leave the diocesan centre - 1073 rue René-Levesque West, at 7 am and arrive in Ottawa at about noon in order to partake of the events on the Hill and the walk. Departure is set for about 4 pm. This bus will pick up passagers in Drummondville - at the Tim Horton's on chemin Yamaska, at about 8:30 am. Register by calling 1-855-996-2686 or 438-930-8643. The cost is $50.
Sherbrooke - For information regarding the Sherbrooke departure, visit the organizer's Facebook page at Marche pour la vie 2017, Diocèse de Sherbrooke for registration information or call deacon Guy Fortin at 1-819-570-6889.
Looking forward to seeing you on the Hill !
Brian Jenkins
Outreach coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition
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