New Year Resolutions - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



New Year - New Ambitions

Dear Friends of Life,

I would first like to wish you a good and holy New Year ! May God give you, throughout this year, the strength to bear witness by your actions, your thoughts and your words that Life always wins over death.

And as it is customary at the beginning of each New Year to make resolutions, I am sharing those of Quebec Life Coalition for 2016.

First, it is our intention to launch a broad-based popular instruction movement on fundamental topics, such as: 1) the rules of thinking, argumentation, logic; 2) the existence of God, of the immortal soul and free will and consequences that flow therefrom; 3) the arguments in favor of life and of marriage and against abortion, euthanasia and other attacks on the sacredness of life. That's why, from the beginning of this year, we will focus on the development of simple and short presentations we can do with various groups on these topics. Next, we plan to produce videos of these presentations which will be accessible to a wider audience.

Second, it seems to us extremely important to seize the opportunity provided by this Year of Mercy announced by Pope Francis to address the issue of post-abortion pain and healing and forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ. In a letter published on the occasion of this Year of Mercy which began Dec. 8, Pope Francis writes:

I think in particular of all the women who have resorted to abortion. I am well aware of the pressure that has led them to this decision. I know that it is an existential and moral ordeal. I have met so many women who bear in their heart the scar of this agonizing and painful decision. What has happened is profoundly unjust; yet only understanding the truth of it can enable one not to lose hope. The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented, especially when that person approaches the Sacrament of Confession with a sincere heart in order to obtain reconciliation with the Father. Therefore, we propose to all the representatives of Christian communities who are willing to develop with us a pastoral plan for women and men wounded by abortion to contact us.

Third, we will continue to work tirelessly to advance the promising project of a center for pregnant women in difficulty in Montreal. Located in the rectory of a parish in the Mile End district (near the site of our prayer vigils for the end of abortion), this project is making great strides. This month (January 2016), we expect to set up an interim board. A team of volunteers is in place and the renovation of the premises is already underway. Especially at this time we ask your prayers for this project. We will keep you informed of its progress throughout 2016.

Click here to give today to the Quebec Life Coalition.

Fourth, here's a 2016 project close to my heart, but particularly difficult to achieve: the creation of a political option that is fully pro-life and pro-family for the 2018 elections (provincial) and 2019 (next federal election). We wish to develop, of course with the help of many others, an electoral option which, although it cannot reasonably hope to win an electoral victory (or even, in the short or medium term, elect one MP), would still represent a decent choice for people of good will, the other political parties being too deeply compromised. The first third of 2016 will be a period of reflection and consultation to find out which track to take to present to the voters of Canada and Quebec an electoral option which is pro-God, pro-family and pro-life in the next elections.

There are many other events and projects in sights for 2016: the court trial to recover the right to be present outside of some abortion mills of Montreal will continue; the National March for Life 2016 will be held in Ottawa in May and we will promote it, like last year, organizing charter buses; our website which in 2015 was visited by over 2 million people will continue to be updated with articles translated by a team of over 25 translators. And much more!

However, all our achievements of last year and those anticipated for this year are only possible through your generosity. We hope that you will continue to support our efforts both materially (with your gifts, your volunteer time and your advice) and spiritually (prayers, masses, etc.).

May 2016 be a year full of Life for you!


Georges Buscemi, President, Quebec Life Coalition

P.S. We have been receiving a lot of mail these days. Be assured that we read each letter even though we do not always have time to answer them quickly. Thank you for your support!



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  • commented 2016-12-20 06:57:43 -0500
    That was a great year, wasn’t it? I wish to write an article about Quebec Life Coalition and the results of the year. That would be really helpful to have a whole picture of what have been done during the past 11 months.
    Once I decide on the title – I found some really useful ideas on how to make it worth reaidn at – immediately let you know. Then, perhaps you can send me some numbers and points what was done and what remains to be improved.