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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Motion C-312: Urgent Action Alert

I received the following came in earlier today.

 Immediate Action Needed 

Dear Brian,

This Thursday, June 7th, the 2nd hour of debate on Motion 312 will be occuring in Parliament.

Please take 5 minutes right now and call your MP to stress the importance of this motion.

There is no time to send letters. Please call them directly!

But what if I'm not into politics?

Don't worry. You don't have to have political savy to express the importance of voting in favour of this motion. It's as easy as 1,2,3!

1. Introduce yourself as a member of their riding.

2. Ask your MP if they plans to vote in favor of this critical motion (Motion 312)

3. Ensure you stress that as a constituent in their riding, you expect that your voice will be heard through their vote.

A little background:

Mr. Stephen Woodworth, (the MP bringing this motion to Parliament) is simply requesting a special committee to look at the 400-year-old law that currently defines a human life (a life worthy of rights) to begin at the moment of complete birth. Voting against this motion is denying a fundament aspects of democracy - debate.

Please don't wait to call. Our MP's MUST know we care!

Thanks for your time and dedication to this cause.


Stephanie Fennelly

Executive Director Alberta Pro-Life


(The exercise took me ten minutes, tops. First, the provided link brought to a site that, by entering my postal code, allowed me identify my MP - the Honourable Stephane Dion.

Next, on this page, I noted the phone numbers and email addresses for both the riding and parliamentary offices.

Then, I phoned both numbers, expressing my views in each instance to an office aide as per the below instructions.

Finally, further to the suggestion of one of the aides with whom I spoke, I emailed Mr. Dion my views. Your turn!)

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