Let's Stop the Pretense - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Let's Stop the Pretense

"Let's Stop the Pretense" is a new website begun in support of Motion 312, the private member bill posited by Parliament's representative for Kitchener Centre, Mr. Stephen Woodworth, this past Winter, 2012.

Its home page contrasts the facts of fetal development with the pretense, the lie within Canada's Criminal Code. The rest of the site develops this point under four headings.

First, the context of this motion is clarified. "Motion 312 was presented by MP Stephen Woodworth on February 6, 2012. It proposes that a committee of the House review medical evidence, to determine whether or not a child is a human being before birth, and to address the potential impact on Canada's Criminal Code. The motion received its first hour of debate in the House of Commons on April 26, 2012, and will be debated again on September 21st (subject to change)." The full motion can be read here.

Next there is a section on fetal development, presenting a timeline of the child's growth from conception through to the 28th week. Also, you will find a 6-minute video and a couple of links for additonal information about fetal development.

Another tab is pro-active. "Contact Your MP" presents two ways for you to act so as to have you member of Parliament know your view - by phone and/or snail-mail form letters.

The final tab, "Blog", presents an argumentative essay criticizing Section 223 of Canada's Criminal Code, labelling as a lie, a pretense. It also invites readers to post a response.

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