Let Life Win - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Let Life Win


Dear Friends of Life,

Blessed Easter greetings to you and your loved ones.

Our Lord is risen. He has broken the bonds of death, bonds which we have all inherited from our fore parents. Today, thanks to your generous support of our work, Our Lord lives and is active, sending workers into His vineyard to console and support the wounded.


Recently I got to see firsthand how God is among us, acting through four workers to provide this healing consolation and support to those who have experienced an abortion.

I am blessed to know Jennifer (not her real name) - mother, wife, pro-life warrior and woman of faith.

Jennifer is also post-abortive. Having had two abortions some fifteen years ago, she has lived with the consequences – emotional and spiritual wounds.

On an early Monday morning, I receive a call from her. Her voiced is strained. She tells me about the deep regret she is experiencing and asks if I can come over.

I am no sooner there that she shares about an incident from the day before. An exchange over the Internet had reopened the wounds of her abortion experiences, wounds festering all day and into the night, resulting in a restless night. The next day isn’t much better and so she calls.

Well into our conversation, she expresses a desire to go to mass. Packed into the car and thirty minute later, we enter the church and arrive for communion.

I’m the second worker our Lord has sent to this mother, the first being the Internet blogger.

After mass, the third worker appears. Sonya, a dear friend of Jennifer’s, does not usually attend this service and yet there she is on this particular day. The two women share privately. Tears well up in Jennifer’s eyes.

Conversation over, Jennifer seeks out the vicar for a blessing – the fourth worker. Rather than acquiescing immediately to Jennifer’s request, the minister notices her tears and asks what’s wrong. So begins a conversation that lasts no less than three hours.

I am enriched by the experience in two respects. On the one hand, Jennifer’s humility and faith inspires me. In her distress, and guided by her faith, she sought help, reaching to both to individuals and to Our Lord.

Also, God provided four caring workers, docile to His promptings and permitting that His healing gift of consolation be administered. These persons were willing to be "disturbed" from the normal course of their lives so as to participate in God’s mission to redeem the world.

The moral of the story is we never know how Our Lord will use us to further his aim of providing each and every one of us with a life of plenitude. Multiple persons enter and leave our lives. How do these contribute to furthering providential care? How much do we contribute to their providential care?

Yours in Christ Jesus,


Brian Jenkins, Outreach Coordinator, Quebec Life Coalition

P.S. Our court challenge continues. Over the past few weeks we have met with our lawyer on several occasions to prepare our case against the immoral imposition of an injunction zone, preventing us from praying and helping abortion-bound men and women on the streets of Montreal. As a result, expenses are incurred and so your support in paying our legal fees would be most helpful. Thank you


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