Last Week for our Advent Funding Drive: Quebec needs Quebec Life Coalition - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Last Week for our Advent Funding Drive: Quebec needs Quebec Life Coalition

We have come to the last week of our Advent Funding Drive. We are still somewhat far from our goal, but we still have time. First off, however, I would like to thank all who have given so far: your contributions will be put to great use in the year to come. And Lord knows there's a lot of work to do !

Recent events are reminiscent of a plot line from an apocalyptic tale. A Cardinal affirms right to life of the unborn and the local legislature retorts affirming the woman’s right to choose to kill her child in a 119 – 0 vote. This is the same legislature that affirms same-sex marriage and the right to adoption for same-sex partners, the same government that does away the teaching of Christian heritage by imposing a relativistic curriculum in our schools and in our day-cares, the same government that fully subsidizes artificial conception, contraception, fertilization and penalizes stay-at-home mothers. Orwellian Fiction? No, just Quebec society, circa 2011.

The family is attacked as are values for life. Yet the situation is not hopeless. A dedicated movement, of which the Quebec Life Coalition is part, is actively countering this nihilistic trend. How?

  • We keep you abreast of these and other transgressions;
  • We invite to participate in our public displays of protest;
  • We petition authorities with our concerns;
  • We annually organize conferences with key speakers for life;
  • We network with like-minded people within and outside of Quebec.

Your role in all of this is important. Your prayers, presence and monetary support can all contribute in the outcome, as it has already done. As an old African proverb says, If you want to go quickly, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.

So, to support life, the family, and the entirety of our society, we need to remain united and so move forward and grow. Thereby we will be able to establish a society of justice and respect for all people, from the womb to the tomb.

To this end, we call upon your help. Your continued prayers support us in immeasurably and inestimably. Your presence on our petitions or at our events lends witness to the other members of our society to important values. Finally, your financial contributions permit us to operate our offices and programs.

We need to work together in this. This is so particularly as another menace is at the gates: Though assisted-suicide was initially thumped in our legislature, it will surely rear its ugly head again and again and again until it forms part of the landscape, as it has in other nations. Will you fight with us to see that this does not occur?

Working together, we at the Quebec Life Coalition believe that 2012 will be a pivotal year in many of these areas. Thank you for your continued support.





Brian Jenkins
Quebec Life Coalition

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