Joy and Hope - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Joy and Hope

Merry Christmas !

We at the Quebec Life Coalition pray that God may grace you with the joy of newborn life and the hope that this entails throughout the year as well as in this season not only by the presence of Our Lord and Saviour but also among your immediate family and friends.

Over time we have learned not to overlook such graces as we have found that our present day society is hazardous to life.

And over the past year, we have been particularly blessed to foster life in varying ways:

  • The founding of a new center for pregnant women in difficulty: Center Saint-Enfant-Jésus; This center's mission is to spread the love of Christ in the lives of pregnant women in difficulty, by providing them with material and spiritual help, counselling and lodging;
  • Continuing to provide telephone and Internet support to close to 100 pregnant women in difficulty and post-abortive women and men in the province;
  • Uploading regularly informative accounts our new pro-life website which in 2016 received more than 350,000 visits and resulted in numerous exchanges;
  • Coordinating two 12 hours per day 40-day prayer vigils for the end of abortion - 40 Days for Life, in which many Montrealers have seen and interacted with those present;
  • Received many favourable comments regarding our circular "La pire injustice," a 16-page summary of arguments in favor of life and against abortion;
  • Brought out many among you to participate in the yearly National March for Life in Ottawa, and the October Life Chain.

All of these and more despite the fierce anti-life society we live in.

And what kind of anti-life society do we live in? Consider the events of the last week of November, 2016.

  • Tuesday, November 29. Health Minister Gaétan Barrette announced an amendment to his proposed health care legislation (bill 92) to include a 50-meter perimeter around abortion facilities preventing protestors, that is QLC, from entering. This legislation would affect not only the three abortion mills which currently have a Quebec Superior Court injunction against our presence but also all other such centres in the province will, as many as 71. The legislaltion would not only cover private abortion facilities but also hospitals and CLSCs.
  • Wednesday, November 30: in conjunction with Minister Barrette’s amendment, two French dailies featered prominantly photos of QLC activities. In the Le Devoir story “Québec souhaite éloigner les manifestants anti-avortement,” we find pictured prayer warriors Charlotte L. and Mary B., along with a QLC banner, at a “Defund Abortion” rally and in the LaPresse online edition, a photo of this author during a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion in Lahaie park is seen next to a story entitled “Québec établit un périmètre de ‘sécurité’ .”

(I find it comical that the editor of LaPresse chose to use quotations marks around the word security. Was he acknowledging the irony of legislation aimed at controlling those few who gather to recite a rosary, chant hymns, or engage in thoughtful exchanges with whoever wishes to stop and chat?)

  • A day later, two occurrances, one on televison and the other on radio, continued the anti-life apologetics. QLC President, Mr. Georges Buscemie debated a pro-abortion advocate on the Denis Lévesque Show, LCN network, and then on late-night radio, host Paul Arcand, FM 98,5, hosted the Morgentaler Facility director regarding Bill 92.

Regarding this latter exchange, the subject of our presence praying outside Ste-Justine Hospital came up. Regretably listeners were not told the reason why three of us, on two separate occasions, had showed up on the sidewalk outside this hospital whose sole purpose is supposedly the care of children: to protest the performance of late-term abortions at that facility as well as unclear fate that awaited infants born alive during some of these procedures.

This media bias all within a five day period show how the battle for life is fierce and how our Lord is using us at the Quebec Life Coalition to shake Quebec society of the effronts to life and the family that going on.

We thank you for your ongoing support of this vital work.

Working together, we will find joy and hope not only during this time of year but also for future generations.

Merry Christmas.

Yours for life,

Brian Jenkins
Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition



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