Interesting Videos and Audio Recordings - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Interesting Videos and Audio Recordings

Dear pro-lifer,

Here are a few audio-visual recordings that I have found interesting; I hope you do likewise.

First, from south of the border, Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, gave a talk this past Wednesday, February 1, 2012, in Washington, D.C. on defense of life.

I found particularly interesting his juxta-positioning and treatment of two important issues: a woman's right over her body and the right to life of a human fetus.

Also, a memorable quote is the following:

The Right to Life is a fundamental one that trumps virtually any other right that I can imagine -- Because without it, none of the other rights matter. There can be no Liberty without Life. There can be no Constitution without Life. There can be no nation without Life. And there can't be other lives without Life.

His talk lasts about twenty-five minutes and presents his delightful humour throughout. A transcript of his talk appears immediately below the last video.

My second offering, another video, originates from Calgary' AB. This past Saturday, February 4, while participating and coordinating a life Chain, a pro-lifer was threatened with arrest by the municipal police officer.

As the video and accompanying article indicate, the posters displayed images that were too graphic for the officer.

I find it particularly instructive as more of us are bringing our peaceful pro-life message into the streets and may encounter similar dealings with law enforcement officers. Hence, the behaviour shown by the Calgary pro-lifers is a model for all of us wishing to respect our rights and remain peaceful.

Finally, my last offering, an audio recording, concerns peaceful pro-lifer Linda Gibbons. This grandmother has spent 9 of the past 17 years in jail defending the unborn child in and around Toronto. Her crime has been to counsel women who are entering abortion clinics to end the life of her unborn child.

The Priests for Life Canada, as part of its monthly "The Pro-Life Hour," interviewed Linda's lawyer, Daniel Santoro. This sixty-minute interview is neatly ordered into different compartments such as a description of Linda, a history of the creation of buffer zones around abortion facilities, and the legal proceedings that concerns Linda, including the case at Canada's highest court – i.e., the Supreme Court of Canada.


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