Horizons of Hope & Francis Leo on EWTN - Quebec Life Coalition
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Horizons of Hope & Francis Leo on EWTN

Recently, Msgr. Francis Leo appeared on EWTN to speak about assisted suicide in Canada and the importance of promoting palliative care in our churches. Msgr. Leo highlighted a program developed by the CCCB, called Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care.

In Canada, Euthanasia is going rampant. Eligibility to the MAID program is constantly being expanded, and the number of people requesting to be killed through MAID is greatly increasing every year. Euthanasia is a reality that every priest and pastor need to face, because it is happening in our church family. It is a reality that each of us also needs to face because it can happen in our circles as well.

Is euthanasia being talked about in your church? If yes, is there clear teaching on it? Are people taking the teachings to heart and putting them in action by helping those vulnerable or prone to consider euthanasia? These are questions we need to ask ourselves.

Msgr. Leo expressed that palliative care is the only option. In his diocese, he is encouraging the setting up of parish groups to help people understand the evils of euthanasia and the benefits of palliative care. Horizons of Hope is a program that intends to educate people on the issues surrounding palliative care, death and the process of dying, suffering, accompaniment and bereavement, through quality content and through building community. Thank you to the CCCB and their collaborators for creating this program. I will be looking more into it.

I am always very happy to hear when our spiritual leaders publicly and intently address the social ills of our time, especially when it comes to abortion, euthanasia and the traditional family. I recently wrote a blog on a different topic—Msgr. Leo’s open letter to members of parliament on a pornography bill. In case you missed it, you can read it here. Thank you Msgr. Leo for your public stance, and I wish you good success in your new responsibilities in the Church.

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