Our sidewalk counsellor, Brian Jenkins
On Tuesday, February 10, at 3 pm, a bailiff came to our Montreal, QC offices, in order to deposit a legal document (60-70 pages in length, containing 17 pages of argumentation, 19 supporting documents, and 11 affidavits) convoking our organisation, Campagne Québec-Vie / Quebec Life Coalition, and Brian Jenkins, our sidewalk counsellor, to court.
The four plaintiffs - the Morgentaler and Femina abortion facilities, and the owners of the buildings that house them - do not want us to continue the life-saving sidewalk counselling work that we do in downtown Montreal. They are petitioning the courts for a temporary injunction (aka a "bubble zone"), and are also requesting to argue for a permanent injunction against any pro-life presence within a city-block radius of the abortion facilities.
We have decided to fight this unwarranted suppression of our right to inform women of the dangers of, and alternatives to, abortion. To buy some time to prepare a rebuttal of their arguments, we have agreed to a provisional temporary injunction against us, lasting until March 10, which is the date for the hearing where we will challenge the temporary injunction.
Please help us fight this injunction, by pledging as much as you can. We have retained the services of a competent, 100% pro-life lawyer. We need to pay him, plus we need funding for the March 10 hearing which will, among other expenses, possibly require us to lodge and to pay the travel expenses of expert witnesses. We also need to build up our reserves to neutralize any eventual attempt to instate a permanent injunction against pro-life sidewalk counselling in that part of Montreal.
Do not let abortionists silence the only voice that charitably warns women entering Montreal abortion facilities about the harm abortion causes to women, to men, and to unborn babies.
Please give generously.
Georges Buscemi, president
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