Grieving Reproductive Loss - Quebec Life Coalition
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Grieving Reproductive Loss

Yesterday's Journal de Montréal ran a story about a Montreal hospital helping families grieve their perinatal losses.

Isabelle Maher writes that a committee at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, mindful of the helplessness parents feel at the unforeseen death of their child, has set up the Angels' Craddle - "Le Berceau des anges," plot at Laval Cemetery for infants deceased during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly thereafter.

Though inauguration of the site was last week, it has been active for several months, interning thus far twenty or so infants.

One trusts that the Laval site will also comfort parents and individuals grieving other reproductive losses - abortion, adoption, sudden infant death syndrome, infertility, sterility, or life situations which precluded having children.

See related story in Lapresse.

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