God’s blessing upon the 40 Days for Life campaign. - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



God’s blessing upon the 40 Days for Life campaign.

 Tonight we launch the 40-day prayer vigil with a Eucharistic celebration. The mass is scheduled to get underway at about 7:00 p.m. in Saint Enfant Jésus church. Father Jean-René, vicar at Saint-Angèle parish in Montreal-Nord will be our celebrant. All are welcomed.

Afterwards, depending on circumstances, we may do a procession into the park. This will be followed by some fellowship back inside the church.

Else, Day 1 of the vigil is tomorrow and our presence in Lahaie park (across the street from the Morgentaler abortion mill, 30 Saint Joseph Blvd. east) will continue through to March 24.

All are welcomed to join us in prayer.


Heavenly Father,

We pray that the scourge of abortion be lifted from our land,

That those who promote it may be brought to a change of heart, 

That all who are tempted to abortion may be lovingly helped to protect the precious gift of life, and

That all who have experenced an abortion may be comforted with the healing gift of love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord,


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