Pro-life networking with Christian groups - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Pro-life networking with Christian groups

Last Friday, I took part in a francophone pastors’ meeting in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. This seasonal event brings together over 30 pastors and several faith organizations. The goal of these meetings is to create a better community and collaboration among churches in the area, as well as to address the particular needs and challenges that we face. I was happy to represent the pro-life work that we do at Quebec Life Coalition. It is great to see that despite the particularities of each church, Christians come together to better advance the kingdom of God in our cities. It is great to see that churches are open to the pro-life message and are not remaining silent at the fate of the pre-born in our country. 

Photo: Arpad Nagy

I am looking forward to an increased participation from all faith communities in the upcoming National March for Life in Ottawa (May 9th) and in our own Quebec March for Life in Quebec City (May 31st). To that effect, we would be happy to talk to church leaders about how to get involved in pro-life work as a church, and we’d love to give a pro-life presentation in your community. The March for Life is in around 4 months, and now is the time to start talking about it. Four months will pass quickly, so it would be great to see announcements in church bulletins soon!

May be an image of 2 people and text

Photo: Luc Angers. Luc Angers (director of UVVC and one of the event organizers) with one of the host from the church Le Centre in Orleans)

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