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Join Us in Defending Life and Family

Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Consecration to the Sacred Heart

I wish to invite you on behalf of the Quebec Life Coalition to consecrate yourself, you and your dear ones, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Our faith tradition sets aside the month of June every year to honour the Sacred Heart of Our Saviour.

In both word and deed, Jesus Christ shows the extent of his love for mankind during not only during his brief 33 years on earth but also in every moment since throughout history.

His passion begun on Holy Thursday and continuing the next day and culminating with his death on the cross reveals the unfathomable depth of his love.

In the intervening period Love continually invites us to partake of this love.

May we be so open and desirous to answer yes to those moments of communion with our creator.

On Saturday, June 19, 2021 a Yes moment is at hand.

The Quebec Life Coalition invites all persons free and interested to join us at the east end sanctuary dedicated to this love - The Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart and of Saint Padre Pio (3650, de la Rousselière Blvd., Pointe-aux-Trembles, H1A 2X9).

A morning set aside for prayer will culminate with a mass followed by a consecration prayer to the Sacred Heart.

A light refreshment will follow in the form of a potluck meal.

Looking forward to sharing this anticipated blessed moment with many of you.

Brian Jenkins
Outreach coordinator

p.s. Timeline (Saturday, June 19, 2021)

9:00 am Welcome and introductions
- rosary of the unborn child
- Stations of the cross in the grove
11:00 am mass, followed by consecration prayer
noon potluck meal
1 pm departure

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  • published this page in News 2021-06-09 14:59:49 -0400