Concrete Help for Men - Quebec Life Coalition
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Concrete Help for Pregnant Women in Need (August 29th update)

I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that most of the callers asking for pregnancy support the Quebec Life Coalition receives are from women. however, on occasion, we do get the occasional call from a man.

Thursday - The 35-year-old man called our offices. He and his spouse are expecting their first child. As she is beginning her pregnancy, her bodily is undergoing quite a change, leaving her emotionally tired. He called asking for support. (A home visitation by a nurse was not helpful leaving the couple feeling strained and unsupported.)

I told him that I wasn't a doctor but understood that hormonal changes are a normal part of the early pregnancy and affect some women more than others. (I also stressed the importance of good nutrition.)

The man also expressed other concerns, the first of which was spiritual support and participation in a religious community. I explained that I would do some research and get back to him.

Saturday – After a Thursday and Friday of calls and e-mails, I called the man back to share my findings. I caught him while he and his spouse were painting the bedroom of their expectant child. (I was able to speak to both.)

I shared my findings with them. First, one of our supporters, an elderly man living with his daughter and son-in-law not far from the couple, offered to be help. (Georges Buscemi, president of cqv, had provided me with a list of thirty supporters whom I called until I found one available to help.)

Second, I suggested two pregnancy care support centres, one of which is only a twenty-minutes car ride away from the couple. I mentioned that I had spoken with the director, a woman who had founded the organizaton thirty years ago. The latter had expressed her desire to help the couple. Finally, I suggested a faith community that I was familiar with and gave them the address. Although an hour's drive away, both were enthusiastic about going there the very next day. (On several occasion, the man had expressed his desire to meet Georges, wanting to know which faith community he belonged to.)

Unfortunately I have yet to find a faith-sharing group for men of the kind that exist here in Montreal, in three parishes that I am aware of.

Prayer: Lord, we commend this couple and all other couples who are earnestly seeking you and your assistance in order to raise a healthy and devout family. Send them the resources needed for them to grow ever closer to You and your will.

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  • published this page in News 2024-08-29 14:45:36 -0400