CHP Convention 2024 - Quebec Life Coalition
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Christian Heritage Party Convention, August 12-15, 2024

This week, I have the privilege of attending the Christian Heritage Party Convention. This 4-day convention is attended by over 75 delegates and over 110 attendees, coming from all parts of the country. There are eight participants from the province of Quebec, including four candidates and former candidates.

One thing that you may not know is that the Christian Heritage Party is one of the older federal parties in Canada, established in 1986. Since the very beginning, the CHP has been 100% pro-life. On top of their perfect pro-life position, the CHP has a well-developed policy book, addressing all aspects of governance. During this convention, the delegates are voting on over 50 new or amended policies.

Of particular note, the delegates will be voting on:

  • Numerous environmental policies that intend to lay a strong foundation to securing a bright future for future generations,
  • Several educational policies that intend to provide a framework to the rights of parents and students without encroaching of provincial jurisdiction,
  • Several healthcare policies to better protect the rights of patients and healthcare workers, also with respect to provincial jurisdiction,
  • Policies on Artificial Intelligence, euthanasia, justice, omnibus bill, United Nations membership and many more.

The theme of this convention is based on Nehemiah 2:18-20. After the Babylonian exile and the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, Nehemiah, a cupbearer to the Persian king, also returns. Upon his return, he assesses the desolate state of the walls of Jerusalem and rallies the people to rebuild the walls. As such, the speakers of this convention have been encouraging the attendees to also get up and build, given the pitiful state of Canada today.

The spirit of the convention is joyful and hopeful. The plenary sessions have been very productive, and most resolutions thus far have been passed with overwhelming support.

I will be here until the closing of the convention on Thursday. If you want to tune in to the convention, you are in luck. For the first time, most sessions are being live-streamed. You can tune it by visiting: leader's address will be on Wednesday evening at 7pm.

More to come next week!

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