Bill 52: Implications for the Practice of Medicine in Quebec - Quebec Life Coalition
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Bill 52: Implications for the Practice of Medicine in Quebec

Bill 52 – "an Act respecting end of life care," is set to be considered by the National Assembly when it returns for its February sitting. The Bill tries to legalize “medical aid in dying” and “palliative sedation” so that doctors will be able to end human life. This legislation has set off a round of public discussion on the question: Is it ever justified to take a human life?

You are welcomed to listen to various panelists on the implications of bill 52 for the practice of medecine in Quebec, on Tuesday, February 4, 2014, from 7 - 8:30 p.m.

  • Location: Martin Amphitheater, Room 504
  • 5th floor, McIntyre Medical Building, McGill University
  • 3655 promenade Sir William Osler, Montreal, H3G 1Y6

Keynote presentation: The Proposals of Bill 52 and the Experience of Other Jurisdictions - Mtre Robert Reynolds

Mtre. Reynolds has practiced law in Quebec since 1969 and has pleaded cases at all levels of court up to the Supreme Court of Canada. He was involved with the recent LeBlanc case. He is currently the President of the Christian Legal Fellowship for Canada.


Dr. Liette Pilon, "What will be the effect on medical practice?"

          Dr. Pilon is a general practitioner who practices medicine in Montreal.  

Larry Worthen, "Protection of patients and dissenting health care professionals"

Mr. Worthen is a lawyer and adult educator who has had a career in management in government. He is the Executive Director of the Christian Medical and Dental Society.


Jonathan Morasse

Mr. Morasse is a second year medical student at McGill.

All are welcome. Everyone will be affected by this legislation, either as a health care professional or as an eventual patient who will someday confront end of life issues. A public discussion will be held after the presentation.

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