Asking for prayers - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Asking for prayers

I have some great news to share.

This past month, I received the following email:

Hi Brian,
Hope this email finds you well :)
I wanted to share joyful news with you this evening.
Nine months ago, I had asked for your prayers concerning a young woman in Lebanon who wanted to have an abortion.
She had an appointment scheduled in an abortion clinic. She went there and while waiting a miracle happened and by the grace of God she walked out of the clinic deciding for life and not for death.
Here's a picture of this baby boy born today!
Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers 🙏🏻❤️✝️
God bless !

The scrawny little fellow pictured above is the product of our prayers. Can you make out the light of life radiating through those dark eyes? Blessed are you all for your prayers.

We mustn’t neglect to ask one another to pray for each other.

To this end, I have a prayer request for you. Read on.

I'm currently in Sherbrooke, Quebec, coordinating the 40-day prayer vigil for the end of abortion, formally referred to as “40 Days for Life.”

(Click here to view the October Newsletter)

The first week is completed and over this time of prayer, daily from 7 am to 7 pm, a small group of us, roughly between 15 and twenty, are relaying one another in prayer near near one of the local abortion facilities.

Though small, we are not insignificant.

Media outlets, intellectuals, youth, and passers-by have all responded in one way or another to our "small" presence.

French and English media, whether in print, television, or radio, have come to the vigil location to interview prayer volunteers about their motives in doing an outdoor vigil.

Curiosity seekers have come to engage us in conversation. On Sunday, a medical doctor and her husband visited, spending thirty to forty minutes with three prayer volunteers. She expressed different views justifying abortions including the view that abortions contribute to reducing the criminal element in society. On a separate occasion, a professed atheist stopped and exchanged with mother and daughter prayer volunteers for over an hour in matters theological and philosophical.

The prayer vigil has also drawn an enthusiastic response from local young adults who are resolutely opposed to our presence and actively involved at stopping us. Their enthousiam culminated in the holding of march this past Sunday of upwards of 150 people to protest the vigil’s presence.

Small but not unnoticed.

Let us not underestimate the impact of our prayers.

God is working in ways we cannot imagine.

Yours in Christ Jesus


Brian Jenkins
Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition

p.s. Can I ask you to pray especially for two young men that I have met during this prayer vigil? One has tremendous leadership skills, yet is directing them not for the glory of God. And the other lacks manly qualities in his couple relationship.

p.p.s. Your financial support for our projects, such as promoting the culture of life in Sherbrooke, Quebec, is important. Please, consider becoming a monthly donor as described here. Thank you.

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  • published this page in News 2021-10-01 11:24:52 -0400