Act, Pray, and Trust - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Act, Pray, and Trust

I trust you and your loved ones are doing well, which is no easy feat in these challenging times.

I don't doubt that you are grappling with many of the same issues that I am, and which so many other people are also - issues relating to health, our faith tradition, our elected officials, our inter-personal lives, and our relationships with family and close friends.

It would certainly be accurate to say that no small number of matters need our prayerful attention.

One of these bears directly on the work that we do at the Quebec Life Coalition of defending the preborn child – namely the “vaccines” created to protect us against the coronavirus and that are derived from fetal cell lines.

I use quotation marks around the word vaccine because according to many physicians, such as Dr. Simone Gold, the term is a misnomer. Many MDs prefer the term “experimental agent” or something of the kind, arguing that these agents need to undergo rigorous clinical trials before being called a vaccine. These clinical trials include testing on pregnant women, nursing women, children under fifteen years of age, etc.

The vaccines for polio, rubella, smallpox, and chicken pox have all undergone such testing and offer protection against these maladies.

Of the 38 anti-covid "vaccines," 18 openly admit having been derived from fetal cell lines, (including Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer) and 14 others have not divulged complete information.

The fear is that the use fetal cell lines derived from aborted children gains “respectability” as a pretext to save human lives.

Further, I can see the same sort of reasoning used to justify the deliberate killing of preborn children to further scientific research into finding solutions to other of humanity's woes, such as in the areas of healthcare, energy, environment, etc.

Two questions

Two questions preoccupy me.

First and most fundamentally: Is a vaccine really needed? My survey of physicians shows a polemic – those who believe that inoculations are needed and those who do not.

Second: Whether research for a vaccine to the SARS-Cov-19 virus should use fetal cells derived from an aborted child?

This second is also polemical, having garnered plenty of international debate. Representatives of this polemic include on the one hand, the distinguished Spanish ethicist and historian Prof. Roberto de Mattei and on the other hand, the American jurist Christopher A. Ferrara.

The first argues in favour of such a vaccine and the state’s right to mandate its citizenry to get the jab. The second, undaunted by the academic credentials of the first, writes not one but two (pending) critical replies to the first.

Membership in either camp of this polemic is quite similar. Both include religious men and women, some of high rank in the ecclesiastical ladder. Both also include lay men and women, erudites like de Mattei and Ferrara as well as the more common stock, like me.

I have limited studies. I cannot engage in a time-consuming and resource-demanding scholarly review, parsing the subtleties and the arguments from both camps.

Fortunately for me, a dear friend offered consoling advice: "pray."

To the best of our knowledge, we inform ourselves. Then in the quiet of our room, before we go to bed, we turn to our Heavenly Father who knows what is good for us.

25 I say to you, then, do not fret over your life, how to support it with food and drink; over your body, how to keep it clothed. Is not life itself a greater gift than food, the body than clothing? 26 See how the birds of the air never sow, or reap, or gather grain into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them; have you not an excellence beyond theirs? 27 Can any one of you, for all his anxiety, add a cubit’s growth to his height?[3] 28 And why should you be anxious over clothing? See how the wild lilies grow; they do not toil or spin; 29 and yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 If God, then, so clothes the grasses of the field, which to-day live and will feed the oven to-morrow, will he not be much more ready to clothe you, men of little faith? 31 Do not fret, then, asking, What are we to eat? or What are we to drink? or How shall we find clothing? 32 It is for the heathen to busy themselves over such things; you have a Father in heaven who knows that you need them all. 33 Make it your first care to find the kingdom of God, and his approval, and all these things shall be yours without the asking. 34 Do not fret, then, over to-morrow; leave to-morrow to fret over its own needs; for to-day, to-day’s troubles are enough. (Matthew 6: 25-34)

Let us be strong and courageous.


Brian Jenkins
Outreach Coordinator
Quebec Life Coalition

p.s. If you like our work and are able to support us financially, consider a making a gift, whether a one-time amount or a regular donation. Thank you.

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  • published this page in News 2021-05-04 11:58:24 -0400