A Special Announcement - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A Special Announcement

Blessed Feast Day!

I write to you on the Feast Day of the Annunciation.

March 25 is generally the day reserved for this feast, the solemn day when the Blessed Virgin Mary is greeted by an angel and professes her faith in God by saying yes to become the mother of God and Our Lord becoming incarnate, a full nine months before Christmas.


However, exceptions do arise. For example, when March 25 falls between Palm Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday, a fifteen-day period, then the solemn feast is displaced to the earliest date following this interval.

This year March 25 occurred on Palm Sunday and as the earliest day for the celebration of the Annunciation is today, Monday, April 9, 2018, we celebrate it today.

Today is a day for rejoicing!

I and long-time QLC supporter Charlotte commemorated this day in a special manner—via prayer.

We met at an early mass and afterwards across the street from the former Morgentaler abortion facility we prayed. We spent close to thirty minutes reciting the rosary and other devotions, remembering the innocent lives lost in this building. We estimate close to 75,000 children were killed and many women maimed.

And yes women have been harmed by this unfortunately legal procedure.

Consider the testimony of former abortion provider Dr. Kathie Aultman, retired Ob/Gyn of 35 years:

I don’t believe a woman can remain unscathed after killing her child. At some point, usually after childbirth or the inability to get pregnant, the realization of what she did hit her. It was not until after I had my first child that I regretted my own abortion.

At the Quebec Life Coalition, we have been working at righting this wrong for the past 27 years.

During this time we have conducted 19 public prayer vigils for the end of abortion.

During this time, we have started a pregnancy support program including a residential program aimed at providing a sanctuary where women can carry out their pregnancy in a quiet and relaxed environment.


During this time, we have organized pilgrimages to Ottawa once a year—the National March for Life, so our elected members of Parliament know that abortion in our land is not in our Creator’s plan of abundant life.


Our efforts do not end there. Educational programs about the importance of life have been initiated via a Christian and pro-life apologetics courses and daily news updates on our Web site (www.cqv.qc.ca), the latter regularly reaching nearly 30,000 internet users a month.

With your support, we are achieving this goal of righting a wrong.

Yet, lest we forget that our ultimate success is measured solely on how faithful we remain to God’s will for us daily. As we travel through the Easter season, please pray that we remain always align with the divine will, so that faith, family and life will flourish in Quebec.


Brian Jenkins

Outreach Coordinator

Quebec Life Coalition


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