A Beacon in the Darkness - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A Beacon in the Darkness

Blessed New Year greetings.

I trust the Christmas period was both restful and peaceful for you and those near to you.

I took a week off from work, enjoying time with family, friends and a brief visit to Quebec City.

The season of peace, and the Prince of peace, was short lived, as on returning to work I was reminded of the battle ranging in our world.

On my very first day back, two women called our crisis pregnancy phone number asking how to abort their unborn child. And, within a few days, two other calls asking the same were received.

Your on-going support helps us maintain a link (both by phone and by internet) to these and other women so that the message of life-giving alternatives and concrete support become known.

Two of the callers were adamant about their decision to abort; no wiggle room.

The other two, on the other hand, offered slim possibilities. These listened to our offer of support. Please pray that our words softened their hearts and saved their unborn child.

The Problem of Evil

Ending abortion in Quebec seems like a herculean task.

Yet as people of faith we believe in the impossible, and act accordingly – with charity.

Nonetheless, we may wonder why is God not doing more to end the evil of abortion, permitting it and other evil acts to occur? Could it be that He is not all-powerful? … nor all-loving?

The presence of evil has bothered many over the centuries, even right to this day. Suffering, injustice, and death are all clearly seen, daily, in our families, in the news.

Why does God permit evil? The short answer is not God but we are the agents of evil deeds, wreaking havoc on one another, by our misguided choices.

Philosopher Peter Kreeft explains evil with a simple enough example: one person striking another with a stone. He says that what God has created is good – mineral, vegetable, and animal; see Genesis chapter 1. The stone, the hand as part of God’s creation are good in themselves.

Evil enters the picture via the decisions and the actions we do. Returning to Mr. Kreeft’s example, deciding to strike another with a stone and carrying through with that decision are evil.

“I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do…”

Kreeft’s statement reminds me of the Confiteor, that prayer we recite at every Eucharistic liturgy, a segment of which noted above.

Our misguided free will commits reprehensible acts.

Why, then, did God grant us free will if the possibility of misusing it exists? Why does God not prevent our evil deeds?

Kreeft likens God to a parent not interfering with a child suffering to learn a school lesson. You and I, our lesson is in freedom to love and choose good, building His kingdom. Unlike marionettes and the like, human beings are active not passive agents, participating in God’s creation doing good and combatting the evils of death, suffering, and injustice, wherever and whenever these appear.

With your support, we will continue to receive calls and emails from women living precarious situations so as to present life-affirming ways and building a culture of life.

On behalf of the entire Quebec Life Coalition family, I wish you Blessed 2018!


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P.S. Your on-going support means a lot to us as we are able to add programs and people to championing the life of the unborn. Thanks for your help.


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