The following trailer comes to us complements of Canada Silent No More, an organization founded in 2004 by Denise Mountenay with the purpose of helping victims of abortion. More information about their purpose may be found here.
Listen to testimonies from women damaged by legal abortions.
See evidence on how abortions are hurting women physically and psychologically... worldwide studies expose the link to depression, substance abuse, suicides, sterility, pre-term births in subsequent pregnancies and Breast Cancer!
Hear doctors testify on the fact that abortion is more harmful to women then giving birth to their children.
So why are we PAYING for this procedure that harms women and children?
We are sending copies to every MP and some MLA's...Can you help us finance this project? Go to and give to promote LIFE and HEALTH for women & children. Rev. 12:11,12, Prov. 31:8...
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