7 political actions to take in the next two weeks - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



7 political actions to take in the next two weeks

Photo : luis molinero/Freepik

Federal elections are fast approaching. Although we do not yet know the exact time of the elections, there are several political actions that we can take to help the fate of pre-born children in our country. Some political actions are easy and costless, and if you’ve never done anything political before, I encourage you to take a small step today!

Here are 7 actionable items, some are bigger, some are smaller, but I challenge you to do at least one of them before the end of January. (If you haven't heard the news yet, you might be very surprised by #4!!!)

1- Sign up to become a candidate

Currently, most people in Quebec will not have a pro-life option on their ballot in the coming election (federal as well as provincial). Perhaps you can be the pro-life option! Currently, there are 2 federal parties that are asking for pro-life candidates: the Christian Heritage Party is actively recruiting candidates (the CHP is a fully pro-life federal party), and the people’s party is looking for candidates in around half of the 343 federal ridings (pro-life candidates for the PPC can run openly as pro-life). If no party inspires you, there is also the option of running as an independent.

2- Support a pro-life candidate.

Pro-life candidates will need help to run a successful campaign. Volunteering for even just a couple hours in your spare time is so appreciated by candidates and has a concrete effect in gaining votes. Campaign Life Coalition runs a website that identifies and compares candidates on their pro-life position - check it out here. (the page will be updated leading up the next election). If you do not find a pro-life candidate in your riding, send us an e-mail to ask about who is the closest to you.

3- Get involved in the CPC local association.

The conservative party of Canada will very likely for the next government. Being involved in your local association is important because members vote for their candidate, vote for policies at conventions and take part in much of the grassroots work of the party. A strong local pro-life presence will help our elected officials make the right decision when it comes to the fate of pre-born children. You can find out information on your local association here.

4- Support a pro-life candidate to become the next leader of the liberal party.

Did you know that the ban on pro-life candidates in the liberal party was a Trudeau policy and not a liberal party policy? Now that Justin Trudeau stepped down, we now have a candidate for the leadership of the party who is pro-life. His name is Michael Clark, and he checks all of the right boxes. Wouldn’t it be great if in the future, we had a pro-life prime minister? If you are not a member of another party, you can sign up to be a member of the liberal party for free to vote for a pro-life leader for the liberals. This is an extremely important and timely action. You can sign up to be a member here(www.liberal.ca/register). After signing up, there is a second timely action: this pro-life liberal candidate needs to collect signatures from liberal members to fully enter the leadership race. Please do so here (www.voteforMichaelClark.ca). Here is the paper nomination form that you can print out, scan and email back. 

5- Attend your municipal council meetings and school board meetings

We often talk about federal or provincial, but there are a lot of things happening closer to home. Municipal meetings can be boring, as a lot of it has to do with permits and by-laws. But we need to have a presence here too and build rapport with our municipal leaders. Library reading hours or cross walks and flags and much more are under municipal jurisdiction. For school boards, we need to watch the meetings to make sure that they don’t bring in policies that are dangerous to our children.   

6- Book us for a presentation or a meeting

We’d love to come talk to you about the pro-life work that we do. Reach out to us to book a meeting or a presentation. I am of the strong opinion that in-person interaction goes a lot further than virtual connection.

7- Engage with us on social media.

Help us to reach more people with our pro-life message! The best way to do so is to get your friends and family to sign up to receive our e-mails. They can do so here. You can also follow us on Facebook and share and like our posts. The social media algorithms might not always work in our favour, but it is a tool we need to better use to get our message out to more people. Also, if you haven't yet signed any of our latest petitions, you can do so here (and please share!)

We are also approachable by phone and e-mail, so don’t hesitate to contact us!          

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