40 Days for Life: Summary of Results - Quebec Life Coalition
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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



40 Days for Life: Summary of Results

This September, the Quebec Life Coalition will be hosting its eighth "Forty 40 for Life" prayer vigil. This is a forty consecutive days of praying and fasting for the end of abortion. We will be joined by several hundred other vigils, worldwide. Over the previous campaigns, some astonishing records have resulted worldwide. The following is a synopsis of some of these figures. Stay tuned to our website to learn how you can be involved. The vigil begins Wednesday, September 26, 2012.

Summary of Results – 2007-2012

There have now been ten coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns since 2007, mobilizing people of faith and conscience in 440 cities across the United States and Canada, plus cities in Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belize, Denmark, England, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Poland, Puerto Rico and Spain.

During these unified efforts, participants witnessed countless blessings from God:

  • 1,894 individual campaigns have taken place in 440 cities in 14 countries
  • More than 525,000 have joined together in a historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion
  • More than 15,000 church congregations have participated in a 40 Days for Life campaign
  • Reports document 5,928 lives that have been spared from abortion – and those are just the ones we know about
  • 69 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
  • 23 abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns
  • Hundreds of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
  • More than 2,100 news stories have been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio shows and TV programs from coast to coast… and overseas
  • Many people with past abortion experiences have stepped forward to begin postabortion healing and recovery

After so many years of legalized abortion, many people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE!


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