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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



40 Days for Life meetings -- Montreal and Quebec City

40 Days for Life in Montreal

For all those interested in participating in one way or another in the 40 Days for Life in Montreal, or for those who simply want to know more about this lifesaving effort, tomorrow, Wednesday August 17 at 6PM, there will be a first 40 Days for Life meeting for Montreal. The meeting will take place at the rear of Saint-Emile church, located at 3330 Rivier (5 minutes' walk from the Joliette metro stop).

What: First 40 Days for Life meeting for Montreal
When: tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17 at 6PM
Where: 3330 Rivier, at the rear of Saint-Emile church, 5 minutes' walking distance from the Joliette metro stop

Please respond if you plan to attend. 

40 Days for Life in Quebec City

All who are interested in participating in the 40 Days for Life in Quebec city are asked to forward their email address and phone number to Christina, who is the head organiser of the 40 Days in Quebec City. Her email is: [email protected]

A first organisational meeting will be scheduled very soon!

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