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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



40 Days for Life - Crisis Pregnancy

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 – On Day 14, about fifteen people showed up at the vigil location today, thirteen of whom stayed for an hour or more, logging in over forty-one hours of praying time.

In previous entries I have spoken of some of the spiritual battles we encounter while at the vigil location. Well, our perseverence is paying off.

At about 3:30 p.m., Rosina, a faithful prayer warrior, walked over and introduced me to a young woman. On doing so, she returned to her silent praying leaving me alone with this young lady. I listened to her teary account of her pregancy and the struggles she was experiencing.

Eighteen weeks pregnant and wanting to keep the child, she did not know where else to turn. First, her boy friend was pressuring to abort the child. Second, she desperately wanted some medical support but as a foreign national she is not entitled to receive Quebec health care services without paying for it. As her funds are limited due to working a meanial job for the specialized education she received in her native country is not recognized in Quebec, her anxiety is obvious.

In her desperation for obtaining some kind of medical evaluation, she visited the Morgentaler abortion facility. She left there aggrieved as abortion was the sole option offered, something she does not want.

As we were across the street she approached us.

I suggested that we call the toll-free help line: (514) 871-4442.

I dialled the toll-free help line and she was able to receive information about available resources for her. A second call followed, providing more specific aid for her situation.

At day’s end, I’m not sure what became of her as I returned to praying while she made the phone calls. So I ask all of you to keep this woman in your prayers.

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