2012 First Babies - Signs of Hope - Quebec Life Coalition
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2012 First Babies - Signs of Hope

As we celebrate the arrival of the Christ Child, it is also with delight that we learn and welcome the news of the first infants born in 2012.

Montreal beats out other communities from across Canada. Yet to whom attribute the distinction remains uncertain.

At a quarter of a second past midnight, Tyler Sephen Wilson saw the light of day at the Royal Victoria Hospital. His parents - Teresa Howick Wilson and Andrew Wilson, were thinking of spending a quiet evening at home in front of the TV to welcome 2012. Not so, instead they found themselves welcoming not only the new year but also their third child - in additon to a three year-old son and a six year-old daughter.

At about the same time and a little east, Isabel Palacios was giving birth to her second child. Nurses at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital with iphone in hand noted that Jose Palacia Zapata arrived shortly after his infant peer on the slopes of Mont-Royal - at two seconds into the new year.

As the clocks are not synchronised, it is difficult to decide which of the two boys gets the title of Canada's first born.

Meanwhile on the northern side of the Mont-Royal, at Saint Mary’s Hospital Centre, Montreal was being graced by the arrival of yet another infant. At four seconds past the stroke of midnight, the daughter of Ms. Mathanakala Theivendran and Sivakumar Sivapatham was born, a healthy 5 pounds, 4 ounces.

Mothers and infants in all cases are doing well.

The following listing of the new births from across the country comes from Global News:

Location Time Infant's Name
Royal Victoria 12:00:0025 a.m. Tyler Stephen Wilson
Maisonneuve-Rosemoint 12:00:02 a.m. Jose Palacio Zapata
St.Mary's 12:04 a.m. daughter of Ms. M. Theivendran
Quebec City 12:02 a.m. James Ouellet-Sénéchal
Medicine Hat 12:04 a.m. Grace Olivia Ketcheson
Edmonton 12:04 a.m. Alyza Venice Badival
Toronto 12:01 a.m. Ming-Shio Zhang
Winnipeg 12:09 a.m. Noah Nicholas Nehemiah Ishalook
Saskatoon 12:13 a.m. Kostya Sorokotiaguine


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