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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A strong, pro-family woman

If you haven't already, this is your LAST CHANCE to donate to our fall 2022 fundraising campaign.
We have $1,565 left to raise. Please donate today if you can >>

Good news this week with the election in Italy of a conservative coalition at the head of which will most likely be placed, as Prime Minister, Georgia Meloni, the leader of the "Brothers of Italy" party. Meloni is a strong woman who does not hesitate to denounce the pro-abortion and anti-Christian elite in the West, as she reminds us of the need to stand up to these ideologues who want to indoctrinate our children with LGBTXYZ nonsense and promote limitless abortion.

Watch this lady speak during a speech for a pro-life conference in Italy in 2019:

Read her words carefully, they are worth pondering:

"Why is the family an enemy [for our opponents]? Why is the family so scary? Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to have no identity. Whether we are simply perfect slaves or consumers. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity.

I cannot define myself as a Christian, an Italian, a woman, a mother. No. I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2… I must only be a number. Because when I'm just a number, I won't have any identity or roots. Then I will be a perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer.

And that is why we inspire so much fear in them. This is why this event [a pro-life conference] today inspires so much fear. It's because we don't want to be numbers. Because we defend the value of the human being, of each human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is not reproducible. And whether we like it or not, it's sacred.

We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family. Those things that disgust those people so much. We will do it to defend our freedom, because we will never be slaves or mere consumers at the mercy of financial speculators. This is our mission. That's why I came here today. Chesterton wrote more than a century ago: “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two are four. Swords will be drawn to show that the leaves are green in summer”. This moment has arrived. And we are ready! ". (source)

Of course, she's been given, and will be given every possible label: supporter of fascist leader Benito Mussolini, radical right-winger, etc. Don't be swayed by this, and above all don't expect the people in power and their anti-Christian, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, pro-euthanasia, media mouthpieces to welcome politicians who, like Meloni, want to fight the evils of our time.

At Quebec Life Coalition, we salute Meloni's commitment to fighting the Culture of Death that attacks family and faith, and we encourage her to persevere against the relentless attacks of her adversaries, who are also ours.

We are at the end of our fundraising campaign for fall 2022; we are at 90% of our goal. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who contributed. However, we still have $1,565 to go. Now is the time to give if you haven't had the chance to contribute yet.

If you can, please donate today.

Yours for Life,

Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition / Campagne Québec-Vie

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  • published this page in News 2022-09-28 18:42:48 -0400