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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



A documentary that can save lives in Canada, including in Quebec

June 24, 2022 was a great day for the pro-life movement worldwide. It was the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned, Roe v. Wade being a 1973 US Supreme Court decision that ordered all 50 states to decriminalise abortion within their borders. With the reversal of this iniquitous decision, each state will now be able to legislate on this crucial issue as it sees fit.

Unsurprisingly, some liberal states went even further down the road of permissive abortion, allowing abortion up to and even after birth. But other states, more humane, more conservative of the common good, severely restricted abortion. For example, following its law restricting abortion after 6 weeks' gestation, the state of Texas saw a 97% drop in its monthly abortion rate. So many lives saved -- unborn children spared physical carnage, mothers saved from spiritual carnage!

The question for us, north of the 49th parallel, is this: could this reversal rub off favourably on our country, on this "True North Strong and Free"? How can we import the success our neighbours to the south seem to be enjoying?

A fantastic 80 minute Canadian documentary entitled "Roe Canada: The True North in a Post-Roe World " sets out to answer this question. Originally shot in English and produced by Dunn Media, Quebec Life Coalition is now in the process of helping translate the film into French. You can now watch the French trailer, here :

(Click on the image above or on this link to watch our French translation of the trailer)

The aim of this high-quality documentary is to show how the gains made by this historic decision can be a game-changer in Canada, including in Quebec which, as we know, tends to see itself as more 'progressive' (pro-abortion) than other Canadian provinces. It's time for Quebecers and people in other parts of French Canada to be exposed to a different message from the one constantly repeated over and over, namely that "abortion is a right". In reality, abortion is the very definition of a violation of a fundamental right, the right to life.

High-quality documentaries like this one cost thousands of dollars per minute to produce. Although they cost much less to translate and dub, there are still costs, which we estimate to be at around $10,000. Please help us contribute to this sum by donating generously. This documentary, viewed throughout Quebec, could change people's minds and, above all, save lives!

We are five days away from the end of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. To date, we have raised $7222. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously! If you haven't given yet, our goal is $12,000. We still have $4,778 to raise. I hope you can help us reach this goal by the end of our campaign.

For Life,

Georges Buscemi

P.S.: Please donate today, if you can. We really need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.

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  • published this page in News 2023-10-13 16:45:57 -0400