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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



40 Days for Life: Day 24

(Day 24: 308 Saved Babies!!!)

Three out of five women are coerced into having their abortions.

Yesterday at the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil location, a young women approached as I was praying with a colleague and asked us whether we knew that our presence was intimidating to women.

As I reflected on her question, my thoughts turned to the work of Dr. Reardon at the Elliott Institute. He and his peers are documenting the numerous instances in which women are coerced into having their abortions. I encourage you all to visit The Unchoice web site to learn more about this work.

I am not advocating that women be given a choice in having an abortion - every abortion destroys a human life and, so, this fact trumps a woman's choice in disposing of the life growing inside her.

Rather, I wish to expose yet another misconception that abortion gives women a choice.

Also, I wondered if our visitor had seen the sign at our prayer site offering free help to pregnant women.

The vigil runs through Sunday, April 1, daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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