We have to crush this evil in our schools
Ed Fast, Member of Parliament for the British Columbia riding of Abbotsford in the Canadian House of Commons, today introduced a bill to prevent access to "medical aid in dying" (euthanasia) from being extended to minors and people suffering from mental illness. You can read more about this bill here. Let's hope that parliamentarians today will vote according to reason and not according to the prevailing false ideologies.
The recent march for the purity of childhood ("Million March for Children") was not the result of the arbitrary hatred of a few "backward" and "far-right" parents, but a legitimate movement in defence of children against the diabolical attacks of perverted people who have taken power in our schools and other institutions. The proof: Hundreds of young Canadian girls confused about their gender have had mastectomies, according to the available data. How is this possible except in a school and societal climate where delusional gender ideology reigns? We need to crush this evil in our schools and in our society. And make no mistake: our opponents are trying to introduce this delusional ideology into every institution, including the armed forces!
Finally, our work at Quebec Life Coalition continues: publication of news, plans for a booklet on feminine modesty, a presence in the Ottawa parliament, participation in the children's marches, 40 Days for Life in Sherbrooke, and all of this in the wake of our recent "Life Chain" demonstrations.
Yesterday we completed the first week of our autumn 2023 fundraising campaign. You know that we can only do our work with your loyal support! Please support us by sending us a donation.
Our goal is $12,000. About $ 2000 has been donated so far, and for that we are grateful. However, we remain $10,000 away from our goal. I hope you can help us reach it by the end of our campaign on October 18.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
The actions we undertake for faith, family and life in Quebec
I give thanks to God for all the work we've been doing lately on behalf of faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.
There's of course our participation in the fantastic child protection marches across Canada; the good fruits of these exceptional marches are still being harvested!
At the beginning of the month, we were also in Quebec City at the Conservative Party convention, where we were able to put forward a number of pro-family policies that will now have to inform the party's decision-makers on how to proceed in the next election.
The Conservative Party convention also saw the publication of a new French-language anti-abortion leaflet:
Entitled "Five reasons not to have an abortion", this leaflet can save lives! It's the first in a series of a dozen that we'll be putting together on a variety of subjects, including abortion, euthanasia (so-called "medical aid in dying"), marriage, faith, religion and the state, secularism...
Finally, we're preparing for two upcoming events: the first is the "Life Chain" (see below), the pro-life, anti-abortion demonstrations that will take place this Sunday, October 1, in hundreds of locations across Canada, including a dozen in Quebec (see below).
The second is the 40 Days for Life vigil, which for Quebec this time will be held in Sherbrooke from today, 27 September, until 5 November 2023.
We're also starting the vital autumn 2023 fundraising campaign today. You know that we can only do our job with your loyal support! Please show your support by sending us a donation.
Our target is $12,000. I hope you can help us reach it by the end of our campaign on 18 October.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi, President
Quebec Life Coalition / Campagne Québec-Vie
P.S. Please donate today, if you can. We greatly need your support to continue working in Quebec for faith, family and life, from conception to natural death.
Quebec locations for pro-life "Life Chain" demonstrations
The prayerful pro-life demonstration Life Chain will take place this Sunday, October 1, from 2 to 3 p.m. or 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. (see below), will be held in several Quebec cities -- join the one near you!
Intersection Crémazie and St. Michel
Person in charge: Denis Beaudoin
Intersection Décarie and Jean-Talon
Person in charge: Mario Richard
Intersection Sherbrooke west and north entrance, Décarie motorway
Person in charge: Mary Barrett
Hymus and Saint Jean intersection
Person in charge: Nelly Gonzales
Intersection Lindsey and Marchand
Person in charge: Michel Bélanger
Intersection Boul. Laurier and ave Jean-de-Quen
Person in charge: Joseph Daniel Marcotte
Hôtel Dieu de Lévis Hospital, rue de Billy, 50m from the corner of rue Wolfe
Person in charge : Georges Buscemi
Time : 14h30-15h30
Queen Street & 6th Avenue, Rawdon, QC J0K 1S0
Person in charge: Évelyne Therrien
Rue King O & Bd Jacques-Cartier N, Sherbrooke, QC J1J 2E3
Manager: Brian Jenkins
1000 Rue Galt W, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1Z8
+1 819-820-0208
Manager: Louis-Paul Belisle
420 Rue Principale, Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare, QC J0K 2Y0
Manager: Mathieu Binette
Meet the leader of the Christian Heritage Party in Montreal
You are invited to meet the leader of the Christian Heritage Party, Mr. Rod Taylor.
This Saturday, September 16th, 2023, Rod Taylor, leader of the Christian Heritage Party will be visiting our QLC offices in Montreal to meet with Quebec supporters.
As the only fully pro-life federal party in Canada, the CHP has an important part to play in making our country more pro-life and more in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Mr. Taylor lives in British Columbia and does not often come to Quebec. Take this opportunity to come and meet him and discuss what we can do to make Canada more pro-life.
As director of political operations for QLC, I will also be present to answer questions on an overall pro-life strategy for Quebec and how the CHP can help change the political atmosphere in Quebec.
Most of the presentation will be in English, but we will provide partial French live translations.
3pm, Saturday, September 16th, 2023, at 3330 rue Rivier, Montreal, H1W3Z9 (map here). For all questions, contact me at 438-882-6249 or [email protected]
Arpad Nagy
Director of Political Operations for QLC
A drag queen show in a Quebec church?
Perversity in our schools and now, in our churches?
Sadly, it's true: a parish council of the Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus church in the Saguenay-area municipality also named "Sacré-Coeur" (Sacred-Heart) has reportedly given permission to the Festival du Fjord to schedule a Drag Queen performance in the church itself, a performace which the organizers reassure us will be "family-friendly" in content. Enough is enough. Why this determination to make everything ugly, to desecrate everything? A church is not a concert hall, still less a dubious cabaret where transvestites strut their stuff to please a half-drunk clientele.
We have a duty to make ourselves heard, to oppose such desecration of a sacred place.
That's why we've produced this petition, to convince the parish council to withdraw its permission to use its premises for profane and perverse purposes.
We invite you to our annual Corn Roast on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at 3330 rue Rivier, Montréal, H1W 3Z9 (behind Saint-Émile church); parking available on site; public transit, STM: Joliette metro, 3rd stop on bus no. 67.
Admission: $10
Program :
Noon - Corn on the cob
1 p.m. - Speeches
1:45 p.m. - Question period
3 p.m. - End of event and clean-up
The keynote address will be given by Dr. Paul Saba, a Montreal physician affiliated with Lachine Hospital, on issues surrounding respect for life. Dr. Saba is a well-known figure in the media and government, having taken a public stand in favor of respect for life from conception to natural death. He will address a number of topics, including his personal experience with the doctors who recommended abortion for his youngest child, and his fight against medical aid in dying, otherwise known as euthanasia. His presentation will begin around 1 p.m.
RSVP: (514) 344-2686 or e-mail [email protected]
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition
Our fight against the depopulation agenda
Our movement, Quebec Life Coalition, was founded in 1989 by Gilles Grondin, a former Canadian diplomat. He had been hired by Campaign Life Coalition, a pan-Canadian pro-life group, to attend United Nations international conferences. It was well known, even at that time, that certain players among the international elite had put in place a programme to reduce the world’s population, and that these plans had to be thwarted by uniting pro-life countries on an international scale. In addition, Mr. Grondin had widely circulated document NSSM 200, produced by the US National Security Council in 1974 (declassified in the late 1980s), which advocated reducing the population of developing countries to guarantee easy access to their natural resources and thus maintain US hegemony.
Quebec Life Coalition has always understood that abortion and other attacks on human life are part of hidden agendas set up on a global scale and financed to the tune of billions. We also understand that, ultimately, these attacks on life are the manifestation of evil spiritual powers, and their ultimate defeat can only be achieved by spiritual means.
Our work is therefore one of patient restoration of souls and societies to foster a culture of faith, family and life, from conception to natural death. We accomplish this work in various ways:
- "Pregnant and Worried” help line (1-855-871-4442);
- Regular broadcasts on Théovox
- News site (cqv.qc.ca/blog) and presence on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube);
- Monthly publication of our paper newsletter;
- QLC conferences;
- Events and prayer vigils, including:
- The 40 Days for Life;
- Vigils for Life
- the Life Chain
- the Pro-Life Pilgrimage in Montreal;
- the National March for Life in Ottawa;
- Participation in politics at the federal, provincial, municipal and school board levels;
- Lobbying at the United Nations and other international bodies;
- Legal action, e.g. legal action against the 50-metre no-go zone around abortion centres in Quebec;
- Regular meetings and calls with other members of the pro-life movement in Canada and elsewhere in the world;
We have our work cut out for us in Quebec. As you can see, we’re working hard on many fronts. We’re doing what we can, but our material resources come from you. Please help us develop a pro-life opposition to stand up to the pro-abortion establishment in this province. Help us today.
If you’ve already donated to our summer fundraising campaign—and many have—thank you from the bottom of my heart. To date, we have raised $5584. But we only have 6 days to raise the difference, i.e. $6,416. Please give generously to help us reach our goal.
God bless you,
Georges Buscemi
President, Quebec Life Coalition
National March for Life--less than 2 weeks to go!
The National March for Life - Ottawa, is upon us.
Thursday, May 11, 2023, is less than two weeks away.
Yes, the march is set for that day. Yet there is much more going on, six days of activities; consult the official web site for details - www.marchforlife.ca .
QLC Micro-Conference (in French)
Something New at the National March for Life - In addition to those activities, the Quebec Life Coalition is hosting a novel event - a micro-conference. Four speakers will give allocutions: QLC President Mr. Georges Buscemi, Mr. Jeff Gunnerson, president of Campaign Life Coalition, Ms.Tanya Patry, mother of Lily-Rose, and Ms. Lise Dufour. The latter two ladies will give personal testimonies.
When: Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 16h00 à 18h00
Where: Basement of Saint-Theresa church (95 Somerset St W, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H3).
Re Tanya Patry -- the mother of Lily-Rose, will share her testimony of how she came close to abort her child and what changed her mind. For a preview of her talk, go to the twentieth minute mark of the following video - Théovox.
Re Ms. Lise Dufour, she has recently published a book chronicling her abortion experience and the faith journey permitting her to mourn her loss. Her book, entitled J'ai avorté...par peur. Avec Lui, espérer encore. will be available for purchase.
The fifteen to twenty minute talks will be followed by a question period.
The gathering is free of charge, yet donations are always welcome.
After the event, a chartered bus will return day travelers to Montreal at 6:00 pm.
Two buses are chartered to bring Montrealers to the National March.
Departures (7:00 am)
- Downtown-Bonaventure (Tim Hortons, 895 de La Gauchetière Street West)
- Pointe-Claire (Reno Depot, 400 Brunswick Blvd., Pointe-Claire H9R 5X4)
- Bus no. 1: 4:00 p.m., Saint Theresa Church, 95 Somerset Street West
- Bus no. 2: 6:00 p.m., Saint Theresa Church, 95 Somerset Street West
To reserve a seat, call (438) 930-8643.
Cost: 60$ per person, 120$ per couple or family (couple + children under 18), 40$ students and seniors.
See you Thursday, May 11, 2023!
Brian Jenkins
Quebec Life Coalition
(438) 930-8643
This is what the world wants to ban
Do you know what conversion therapy is? It's an intervention that aims to lead a person struggling with same-sex attractions to feel these attractions less and, simultaneously, to develop attractions for people of the opposite sex. Nothing more natural than such therapies.
However, these therapies are now illegal in Quebec and Canada. In Quebec, anyone who advertises or offers such therapy faces fines of up to $150,000 and criminal prosecution. And this, even if this therapy is offered to an adult who requests it and consents to it! How is this possible in a country that claims to be in favor of freedom of expression and belief?
Here we see all the hypocrisy of our ruling class: so-called freedom is granted for the exercise of evils such as abortion, euthanasia and gay "marriage" while being forbidden to those who want to live according to the truth -- in the case of therapies, the truth about human sexuality.
One might think that this criminalization of "conversion therapies" is not of great importance for the vast majority of citizens. Let us not be fooled. This is a major step towards criminalizing any expression condemning the immorality that prevails today. Above all, it is an outright attack on Christianity, which is fundamentally incompatible with the LGBT "lifestyle". Indeed, the criminalization of "conversion therapy" is only a thinly-veiled criminalization of conversion in the strict sense, that is to say, the condemnation of sin and the conversion of the sinner. This is what this world wants to ban: the very idea that a person could be wrong and that he ought to change his life, with the help of Christ.
Recently, pseudo-journalists from the Métro newspaper infiltrated Christian groups to find providers of conversion therapy. It's a real witch hunt and it's scandalous that a publication lends itself to such an exercise. We must fight with all our might this latent persecution of people of good will and of Christians.
I wanted to thank those who donated to our Lenten fundraising campaign. According to my latest calculations, we exceeded our initial goal of 12,000$! But if you haven't donated yet, help us surpass our goal even further, allowing us to reach even more people with our Life-giving message.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S. P.S. The closing ceremony of the 40 Days for Life vigil will be held in Montreal on Sunday, April 2, 2023, at 3 p.m., at the northwest corner of Berri and Sainte-Catherine (1400 Berri street). Program: Rosary of Divine Mercy, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, followed by a light fraternal meal.
Also, don't forget to put The National March for Life on your calendar. This event is held this year on Thursday, May 11. Watch the video to learn more!
Read moreOur modern societies
Our modern societies feed on the sacrifice of unborn children and other vulnerable people, without which they could not continue to flee God and His commandments. Like a steam locomotive which, frantically fueled by coal, rushes towards the abyss, our society is speeding towards its destruction, while filling the crematorium ovens of its hospitals with the remains of unborn children.
In such a situation, and especially in this time of Lent, the little pro-life flock must turn to the ardent hearth of the Heart of Christ, to receive, in this spiritual winter, warmth and consolation.
Your generosity through sacrifice and prayer
Thank you for donating to our Lenten fundraising campaign, which begins today. Because among the elect called by our God, creator of all human life, there are those who will be touched by the pro-life message. Through your donations, you provide us with the means to reach as many people as possible, through our website, through our videos on YouTube, through our meetings and events, through our paper publications. As Saint Paul said, "how will they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how will they hear about it, if there is no one preaching?" Thank you for helping us "preach" the truth about faith, family and life, from conception to natural death. Your donations and your prayers support us in our work.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S. This Lenten season, I hope you can join us in person or through prayer at the 40 Days for Life Vigil, being held at the northeast corner of Sainte-Catherine and Berri Streets in Montreal. For 40 days in a row, 12 hours a day, until April 2, we will be outside the downtown abortion centers to pray and fast for an end to abortion. For more information, you can go here. Also, I encourage you to read the interview with our 40 Days organizer, Brian Jenkins.
Also, don't forget to put The National March for Life on your calendar. This event is held this year on Thursday, May 11. Watch the video to learn more!
Finally, the CLC and the Interim 2023 summer internship programme for pro-life students is now accepting candidates. These are paid internships in which students will learn about the philosophy of the pro-life movement, practical apologetics, various modes of action, from administrative tasks, to writing articles, to design or management of social networks, to participation in concrete events.
For more details, click here.
Read moreA perfect vigil for Lent
This Lenten season, I hope you can join us in person or through prayer at the 40 Days for Life Vigil, being held at the northeast corner of Sainte-Catherine and Berri Streets in Montreal. For 40 days in a row, 12 hours a day, until April 2, we will be outside the downtown abortion centers to pray and fast for an end to abortion. For more information, you can go here. Also, I encourage you to read the interview with our 40 Days organizer, Brian Jenkins.
Also, don't forget to put The National March for Life on your calendar. This event is held this year on Thursday, May 11. Watch the video to learn more!
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S. The CLC and the Interim 2023 summer internship programme for pro-life students is now accepting candidates. These are paid internships in which students will learn about the philosophy of the pro-life movement, practical apologetics, various modes of action, from administrative tasks, to writing articles, to design or management of social networks, to participation in concrete events.
For more details, click here.
This Week's Quebec Pro-Life News
The 40 Days for Life vigil started in Quebec on Ash Wednesday
Montreal — The 40 Days for Life vigil started in Montreal, Quebec on Ash Wednesday.
Why go to the March for Life? Father Alain Vaillancourt, pastor of the Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathedral answers
Father Alain Vaillancourt, pastor of the Cathedral Marie-Reine-du-Monde in Montreal, agreed to speak with Quebec Life Coalition about March for Life.
This 18-year-old from Quebec started a pro-life organization called "Action Vitale"
Philippe, an 18-year-old student from Cégep du Vieux Montréal who is studying social science, founded a pro-life group called "Action Vitale". Philippe and his group meet weekly near a popular metro station in Montreal to engage with college and university students on the topic of abortion.
10 good reasons to participate in the March for Life 2023
This week, I invite you to read the article “10 good reasons to participate in the March for Life 2023”; the National March for Life, an annual event in Ottawa for the protection of unborn children, will be held this year on Thursday, May 11. You can now consult the schedule of events that will take place throughout the week, as well as their precise location, by following this link,or by consulting the March for Life website. The March is held on a Thursday (so that we can be present during parliamentary proceedings), so plan ahead!
You may have heard the news that in Quebec there is a desire to extend euthanasia to people with Alzheimer's and neuromotor deficiencies. Let us not be fooled by this step-by-step tactic: we are coming to a regime of euthanasia on demand, as abortion is today. And more: forced euthanasia is on the horizon, with a researcher from Yale University suggesting that euthanasia should be forced on Japanese elders to help this country get through its demographic winter (too few children! ). Let us continue to denounce euthanasia as contrary to human dignity and the will of God: it is the only way to counteract these harmful tendencies in our largely dechristianized cultures.
However, let us be grateful for the efforts of Conservative Party MPs to stem this pro-death tsunami represented by the decriminalization of euthanasia. Ed Fast, for his part, is trying to reverse attempts to allow the euthanasia of people with mental disorders, and Leslyn Lewis made an impassioned speech in favor of compassion and not death for those suffering.
Finally, there is the good news that a baby has been saved from abortion thanks to a newly installed "Safe Haven" baby box in Kentucky. Something very curious, but very telling: the newspapers in Quebec announce this news as bad (French only link), because the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which allowed various states, including Kentucky, to legislate against abortion, now "forces" some women to "abandon" their children--- instead of putting them to death...
Also, don't forget: The 40 Days for Life have begun. Here are the details for Montreal.
For Life,
Georges Buscemi
P.S. The CLC and the Interim 2023 summer internship programme for pro-life students is now accepting candidates. These are paid internships in which students will learn about the philosophy of the pro-life movement, practical apologetics, various modes of action, from administrative tasks, to writing articles, to design or management of social networks, to participation in concrete events.
For more details, click here.
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