Thousands of Canadians protest against LGBT indoctrination in schools
Demonstration in Ottawa on September 20th, 2024.
By Augustin Hamilton (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: David Krayden/X
On September 20th, 2024, thousands of citizens in more than 50 cities across Canada demonstrated against the indoctrination of LGBT ideology in schools.
In Montreal, the march organised by the group Ensemble pour protéger nos enfants brought a substantial presence, including parents with their children and members of Quebec Life Coalition. The participants had to contend with an even larger and well-organised counter-demonstration, which repeatedly impeded the march's progress. This suggests that they were not mainly ordinary citizens who disagreed, but LGBT activists who are probably receiving funding from Justin Trudeau's government.
Participants in the 1 Million March 4 Children, Montreal, September 20th, 2024. - Photo: Arpad Nagy