Pregnancy Care Fundraiser
By Brian Jenkins 9Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: Syda Productions/Adobe Stock
You are all invited to participate in a Lenten fundraiser to support the pregnancy help service run of the Quebec Life Coalition.
About ten years ago, the QLC created “Enceinte? Inquiète?” to help women in difficult pregnancies. Over time, the program has expanded to include post-abortion counseling, early childhood and family care, and has twice helped mothers carrying twins.
The fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, March 8, 2025, in the parish hall of the Church Saint Ambroise, 1215 Beaubien Street East, Montreal, H2S 1T8. Access to the hall is either through the church or from the side street – 6520, rue de Normanville.
The evening will have a Lenten theme, as the 40-days of Lent began the Wednesday before the fundraiser. There will be a Eucharistic Celebration (i.e., Mass) at 4p.m., followed by a social in the church hall downstairs. The menu will be in keeping with the spirit of Lent - prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
In addition, a number of speakers have been invited to share their thoughts on theme of how to support pregnant women and their families in our current culture. Among them will be the People's Party of Canada candidate for the next federal election, Ms. Denise Corderre.
Over the past ten years, "Enceinte? Inquiète?" has been contacted an average of eighty to one hundred times a year.
Admission to the evening is by either by making a monetary donation or by bringing a maternity item. Examples of the latter include diapers (all sizes), baby toiletries, sanitary napkins, a baby carrier, bath towels, baby milk, breast feeding pads, diaper carry bag.
For more information or to make a reservation, call (438) 930-8643.
Prayer Volunteers Needed - 40 Days for Life
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)
The start of our bi-annual prayer for the end of abortion is fast approaching.
40 Days for Life will begin on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, that is Ash Wednesday, and run through to Sunday, April 13 for a total of 40 consecutive days of pro-life advocacy.
During these forty days we will work to end the injustice of abortion through three proven and effective methods: 1. Prayer and fasting; 2. Constant vigil; and 3. Community Outreach.
The vigil will consist of a visible, public presence near an abortion business in our community. To this end, we will continue our long-standing tradition of holding the vigil at the corner of Berri and St. Catherine Streets. Not only is this location close to an abortion facility, but it is also highly visible.
Read moreA curse and a blessing
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)
One day this past week, I had three exchanges, albeit of short duration, all with ladies.
Visitor no. 1 – an elderly woman of about 65 years of age, stops in front of me and reads the sign I have hung around my neck before crossing the road. After a moment I asked her: “What do you think about abortion?” To my surprise, she replied: “What do YOU think about abortion?” I talked about the importance of respecting life from conception to a natural death, and she agreed. A few more words were exchanged and then she left.
Visitor no. 2 – a younger woman with a French accent got off the bus and waited for the light to change so she could cross. She gave me a contemptuous sideways glance and muttered: “Haven't you got anything better to do?” I replied: “What do you think about abortion?” to which she rudely replied, “Allez vous faire foutre !” and walked away.
The third lady, about the same age, who had also got off the same bus, overheard my exchange with the second lady and looked at me sympathetically. I said to her: “It happens every now and then.” To which she replied, “I think you are brave.”
Vigil 365 – Monday, November 18, 2024, A little of everything
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: Augustin Hamilton
As usual, I arrived at the vigil site at around 7h30. No sooner had I arrived than a first visitor arrived. Laurence is homeless and currently sleeping in one of Montreal's shelters for the homeless. She described it as very rough, with limited services. She said that the rules are not being enforced, and that men and women weren't respecting the zones set aside for them respectively. Some of her belongings have gone missing, and although meals are prepared, she believes she has had a bout of diarrhea as a result. She does not feel safe. She wants to get out. I offered her bottled water and a few dollars, and she left to find a better shelter. Jasper arrived soon after. He took over from me the care of the vigil this past September when I had left to do one in Sherbrooke. Since my return, he has taken a break and this morning he is going to meet a friend at a local café. Then my prayer partner, Caterina arrived. We began our prayers, and during which I realized that I had not seen any of the familiar faces that I associate with the abortion centre. As we prayed, Caterina and I were interrupted by a loud and angry middle-aged woman. We first noticed her standing on the curb taking a picture of us with her mobile phone. Dear reader, be aware that there is a certain notoriety to being on the sidewalks of Montreal defending life. Before continuing on her way, this woman made a few comments about how inappropriate it was to pray for an end to abortion in front of a university. (The abortion facility is located across the street from the university.) She added that by our presence and the signs hung around our necks (“Pray for an end to abortion,” “Pregnant? Worried? 1-855-871-4442 We Can Help You,” and “Choose Life”) were manipulating the students. I attempted a reply but this lady quickly interrupted me, saying that she was not interested in what I had to say and stormed off. Caterina and I caught our breath after this brief encounter and resumed our prayers. Visitors, prayer, and confrontation, today’s vigil was a full one.
Vigil 365 is an activity of the Quebec Life Coalition since February 2020 in which prayer volunteers gather near an abortion facility to pray for an end to abortion. We chose to meet at the intersection of Berri and Ste Catherine streets because there were five abortuaries within a half-kilometre radius from that spot. (One of them has since moved to another location.) The activity takes place daily and lasts either ninety minutes or twelve hours depending on the time of year. Interested people are welcome to participate and can learn more by calling (438) 930-8643.
Pro-life networking
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: gpointstudio/Freepik
Building a culture of life is a top-down exercise. God, our creator, is atop and we, his creatures, below, conforming to his precepts, acting in accord, in one heart, with him.
An example of this happened past week. Jennifer, a woman with whom I work closely, received a phone call. It was from a mother that she and I had helped some time ago. This mother was calling on behalf of another mother whose child had outgrown his clothes and so the mother wondered whether another needy mother could benefit from a gift of these clothes, two boxes full. She contacted her friend who remembered Jennifer. Jennifer called me to ask if Daniella, who had twins three weeks ago, would be interested. As I later found out, she was. So began a chain of events to deliver the clothes.
Read moreCampagne Québec-Vie to Challenge Quebec’s 50-Meter Buffer Zone Law in Superior Court Next Week
By Quebec Life Coalition — Photo: thodonal/Adobe Stock
Montreal, QC — November 7, 2024
Campagne Québec-Vie (also known as Quebec Life Coalition), a prominent pro-life organization in Quebec, is set to bring its case against the province’s 50-meter buffer zone law before the Quebec Superior Court. The trial, presided over by the Honorable Justice Lysane Cree, will be held at the Montreal courthouse in room 16.12, beginning on Monday, November 11, and is expected to continue through November 18.
The plaintiffs—Dr. Roseline Lebel Caron, Brian Jenkins, and Campagne Québec-Vie—are challenging Article 16.1 of Quebec’s Health and Social Services Law. Enacted in 2016, this legislation prohibits demonstrations within 50 meters of any facility where abortions are committed. The law, aimed at preventing protestors from dissuading women seeking abortions or condemning clinic workers, threatens penalties for peaceful gatherings near these facilities.
Campagne Québec-Vie contends that this law infringes upon their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as guaranteed by both the Canadian and Quebec Charters of Rights and Freedoms. In their arguments, the plaintiffs emphasize that the buffer zone law goes beyond safeguarding public order and instead hinders legitimate public discourse on a contentious issue.
Read moreBarbara Bonner (1958-2024) - Stalwart Pro-Life Advocate
Barbara Bonner (left) taking part in the Vigil 365, October 2022.
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)
This past Thanksgiving Monday, one of the Quebec Life Coalition more enthousiastic supporters was called home to our Heavenly Father. Barbara Bonner died peacefully surrounded by family at the Saint Gabriel Palliative care centre in Montreal.
Over the twelve or so years I have been part of Montreal’s pro-life movement, Barbara was present at various and numerous occasions. She played an integral part of the annual corn-on-the-cob event at our offices, coordinating the preparation of the corn. She participated regularly in the outdoor prayer vigils for the end of abortion, from the initial moments when we prayed on St. Joseph Blvd in 2009 and then moving with us to the Berri and St. Catherine Streets site. And she did exemplary work replacing me a year ago to coordinate the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil while I did likewise in Sherbrooke.
The following personal testimony from Denis Beaudoin, another volunteer with QLC, aptly describes how we all felt about Barbara.
A Eulogy for Barbara Bonner, by Denis Beaudoin
Barbara, a devout Catholic and deeply involved volunteer in the Pro-Life cause, passed away this past Thanksgiving Monday. Barbara was a genuinely nice person, and I loved her very much. Always smiling, with her great interpersonal skills, she sometimes led us into interesting discussions on spiritual matters and the lives of the saints. She took on the responsibility of making the calls to ensure a presence of praying volunteers at the 40 Days for Life in Montreal last fall (2023), Brian being at the 40 Days for Life Vigil in Sherbrooke. I am going to miss seeing her. I am going to miss those discussions at the Second Cup on Saint-Denis Street after prayer time. Many people knew her better than I did, and appreciated this simple, pious woman of faith. Let us pray for her, her family, and her friends. Directly to Heaven? - Here's a text message I received: “While she (Barbara’s sister) was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, at the end Barbara passed silently away!” According to St. Faustina Kowalska's diary, when the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited at the bedside of a dying person, the soul goes straight to Heaven, without Judgment and without passing through Purgatory.
Thousands of Canadians protest against LGBT indoctrination in schools
Demonstration in Ottawa on September 20th, 2024.
By Augustin Hamilton (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: David Krayden/X
On September 20th, 2024, thousands of citizens in more than 50 cities across Canada demonstrated against the indoctrination of LGBT ideology in schools.
In Montreal, the march organised by the group Ensemble pour protéger nos enfants brought a substantial presence, including parents with their children and members of Quebec Life Coalition. The participants had to contend with an even larger and well-organised counter-demonstration, which repeatedly impeded the march's progress. This suggests that they were not mainly ordinary citizens who disagreed, but LGBT activists who are probably receiving funding from Justin Trudeau's government.
Participants in the 1 Million March 4 Children, Montreal, September 20th, 2024. - Photo: Arpad Nagy
Discussion on a sidewalk: "What do you think about abortion?"
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition) - Picture: L'Odyssée de la Vie/YouTube
Sunday morning, I arrived at the vigil location, my prayer partner Denis awaiting my arrival. We chatted and after making a few prayer intentions began a rosary.
Despite being a Sunday morning, the vigil location, the intersection of Berri and St. Catherine Streets, was not deserted. One group that is drawn to this spot are the rideshare travellers, men and woman who come here to meet drivers that will take them to Ottawa, Quebec City and elsewhere.
Today, one traveller caught my attention. A petite young woman, about twenty-five years old, arrived shortly after I did travel bags in hand. Alone, I was surprised how close she stood or walked around Denis and me. She moved around, at times in front of Denis and I, at other moments, behind us, always maintaining a close distance to us.
No eye contact had yet been made between the young lady and me, not until standing some fifteen feet away, she gestured impolitely with her hand towards me. I took this as a sign of an openness to exchange.
“What do you think about abortion?” I asked. So began an exchange lasting until her driver arrived and she got in and left.
Read moreWhy go to the March for Life? Father Alain Vaillancourt, pastor of the Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathedral answers.
Fr. Vaillancourt, the pastor of the Cathedral Marie-Reine-du-Monde in Montreal— Photo: Joanne Of Arc
By Joanne of Arc for Quebec Life Coalition
Father Alain Vaillancourt, pastor of the Cathedral Marie-Reine-du-Monde in Montreal, agreed to speak with Quebec Life Coalition about March for Life.
Each year, the Cathedral encourages youth to participate in the March to promote a culture of life in Quebec.
Along with Brian Jenkins, Vice President of Quebec Life Coalition, the three of us sat down for a brief chat before attending mass at the Cathedral which was offered in support of the 40 Days for Life vigil beginning February 22, 2023.
Joanne for QLC: Brian told me that you are a frequent participant in the March for Life?
Father Alain Vaillancourt: Ah, yes, I've attended several times!
Joanne for QLC: Do you know how many Marches for Life have you participated in?
Father Alain Vaillancourt: I haven't counted them! However, I have been going to them since I have been at the Cathedral... so for over 10 years, I must have done at least five. My goal is to go every two years.
Joanne for QLC: Why is it a priority for you to attend the March for Life? We know that priests are very busy...
Father Alain Vaillancourt: Thursday is my day off!
[We share a moment of laughter].
Joanne for QLC: Always?
Father Alain Vaillancourt: Yes!
[We continue to laugh together]
Joanne for QLC: It's good timing then! What did you think of your last walk?
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