Canadian Bishops Stepping Up to Bat
Two good stories.
First, today's news contains an article that Canadian bishops are speaking up against abortion. Lifesitenews reports that the head of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops committee on family life has come out against the Tories' grant to the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
In a Friday letter, Bishop Gerald Wiesner, O.M.I., chairman of the Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF), said IPPF is “the world’s largest abortion provider and promoter,” and so the government’s recently announced $6 million grant is in clear violation of its pledge not to fund abortion abroad. The full story is available here, whereas the bishop's letter can be found here.
In a separate story of pastoral leadership, in Halifax, Most Reverent Anthony Mancini is supporting the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. In an email from the site's coordinator, I learned of his participation at the vigil's kick-off this past September 27. There blog may be read right here.
p.s. Lifesitenews also has a powerful story of a young mom choosing life. At 18 she became pregnant. She found support, and a friend, in her decision-making at a local crisis pregnancy centre. I found that she describes quite well the emotional roller-coaster associated with an unplanned pregnancy. The story may be read here.