Pro-life apologetics - role play
By Brian Jenkins (Quebec Life Coalition)
I recently had the privilege of presenting the pro-life message to a group of believers in an innovative way.
I belong to a faith-based devotional group which met last Saturday, 7 December, for its annual social event at which its members were asked to contribute a five-minute entertainment segment to the proceedings.
By far, the most popular contribution is the singing of seasonal devotional songs. In previous years, friends and I have done this, especially as one of us is a gifted baritone singer. This year, however, at the suggestion of our spiritual director, we performed mini skits about the pro-life work I do on the streets of Montreal. There were two performances, each of which was appreciated by those present.
First, wearing the signs I carry with on St. Catherine Street, I interacted with Jim according to the following script:
Brian, sees Jim, greets him: “Hi.” Jim replies “Hi” and stops walking.
Brian: “Did you know that abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy in Canada?” I asked him.
Jim: “No!” I didn’t know that. I don’t agree with abortion when the baby is older. But in the first couple weeks, I don’t really see the problem with it.”Brian: “Do you believe in human rights?”
Jim: “Of course!”Brian: “And who should get human rights?”
Jim: “Humans.”Brian: “If two human beings reproduce, what species are their offspring?”
Jim: “Human, I guess.”Brian: “Then doesn’t it follow that abortion is a human rights violation?”
Jim: “Yes, yes it does! It’s not okay to kill a child, I get that now.”
In the second role play, I exchanged with Angie.
I see Angie approaching and I ask her: “What do you think about abortion?
Angie: "Well, personally I wouldn’t have one, but I think it should be every woman’s choice what to do with her body.”Brian: “What about the baby’s body?”
Angie paused and thought. Finally, she said, “Yeah, I guess I never thought about that before.” She took a pamphlet and headed off.
Special thanks go to Justina van Manen for collecting these scripts her book “Stuck: A complete guide to answering tough questions about abortion.”
Campagne Québec-Vie to Challenge Quebec’s 50-Meter Buffer Zone Law in Superior Court Next Week
By Quebec Life Coalition — Photo: thodonal/Adobe Stock
Montreal, QC — November 7, 2024
Campagne Québec-Vie (also known as Quebec Life Coalition), a prominent pro-life organization in Quebec, is set to bring its case against the province’s 50-meter buffer zone law before the Quebec Superior Court. The trial, presided over by the Honorable Justice Lysane Cree, will be held at the Montreal courthouse in room 16.12, beginning on Monday, November 11, and is expected to continue through November 18.
The plaintiffs—Dr. Roseline Lebel Caron, Brian Jenkins, and Campagne Québec-Vie—are challenging Article 16.1 of Quebec’s Health and Social Services Law. Enacted in 2016, this legislation prohibits demonstrations within 50 meters of any facility where abortions are committed. The law, aimed at preventing protestors from dissuading women seeking abortions or condemning clinic workers, threatens penalties for peaceful gatherings near these facilities.
Campagne Québec-Vie contends that this law infringes upon their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as guaranteed by both the Canadian and Quebec Charters of Rights and Freedoms. In their arguments, the plaintiffs emphasize that the buffer zone law goes beyond safeguarding public order and instead hinders legitimate public discourse on a contentious issue.
Read more10 States voted on abortion last night - here are the results
By Arpad Nagy (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: Freepik
I am sure many of us were intently watching the outcome of the election last night, as so much hangs in the balance with who is elected in the USA.
But did you know that ten of the fifty states had ballot questions on abortion?
Since the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, the responsibility to legislate on abortion was given back to the individual states. What this means is that it is no longer the federal government of the USA that dictates abortion policy, but each individual state. Since the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, the abortion lobby has been hard at work to enshrine abortion into the legislation or constitution of each individual state. At the midterms in 2022, they succeeded in expanding the right to abortion in many states.
Last night, the abortion question was on the ballot in ten states. Here are the results:
Arizona proposed a piece of legislation to create a fundamental right to abortion up until 24 weeks of pregnancy. Up until now, Arizona permitted abortion up until 15 weeks of pregnancy. The proposition is going to pass, with 61.7% in favour, with 61% of the question ballots counted as of this morning. Pro-life has lost a lot of ground in Arizona.
Read more"Late-term abortions are performed here every week" - Nurse at the Jewish General Hospital
By Joanne of Arc for Quebec Life Coalition — Photo : Unsplash
A nurse at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal informed Quebec Life Coalition that late-term abortions, i.e. at 21 weeks gestation or more, are performed on a "weekly" basis at this famous Montreal hospital.
According to the hospital's website, the hospital was founded in 1934 and is considered a teaching hospital that is one of the largest and busiest acute care hospitals in the province.
A nurse at the hospital, who wishes to remain anonymous, contacted us after realizing that an abortion had taken place in her workplace at 24 weeks of pregnancy for the eugenic reason of having Down syndrome.
"I work at the Jewish General Hospital as a nurse. Last week, I discovered that there was a woman 24 weeks pregnant with a child with Down syndrome who was in the case room for a "therapeutic abortion". I was devastated to see such a late-term abortion take place at my workplace. Because I was so upset, I asked Brian [Vice President of Quebec Life Coalition - ed.] to pray for this child and his mother. Unfortunately, the abortion took place and I still pray that the woman will realize the atrocity that happened and seek healing through God's mercy" shares the nurse.
"I saw another "therapeutic abortion" on the schedule this week at 33 weeks, it happened again, I never realized before how often they take place" - Photo: Unsplash
She adds, "I had heard before that abortions take place at the hospital where I work, obviously, but for the most part I was under the impression that they take place at a less advanced stage, at less weeks, not to say it's better, but the procedure is much less complicated at less weeks. I thought the hospital did them up to 8 weeks, but I learned through a colleague that late-stage abortions also take place in the case room and that we have to respect that..."
She also sadly added, "I saw another therapeutic abortion on the schedule this week at 33 weeks, it happened again, I never realized previously how often they happen."
After our interview, the nurse reported to me that according to her co-worker, these "procedures" occur on a weekly basis.
She concluded, "What I find frightening is that this child was aborted at 24 weeks at the hospital where I work while we have an excellent intensive care unit and we have so many babies at 24 or 27 weeks who are living because of this intensive care that we provide! So it's stupefying. If the patient wants to keep the baby, we do everything we can to keep the baby alive. We put it in an incubator, we give it oxygen and even a tube to feed it. We do so many interventions because the mother wants to keep the child. But, if the mother suddenly decides she wants an abortion (at 21 weeks or more), that's what we end up doing. "
Read moreShe cancels her son's late-term abortion at the Jewish General Hospital of Montreal
Samuel David at 9 months old with the 3 other children and his family
By Joanne of Arc (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: Catherina David
Catherina David is a stay at home mom of four kids who contacted us to share the beautiful testimony of her youngest child, Samuel David. She reached out to us at first for prayer and support on her pregnancy journey. Today, she wants to share with us, in detail, how her story unveiled. She discovered she was pregnant at almost 9 weeks into her pregnancy while she was moving from Quebec to Ontario.
She was very excited and happy about her new pregnancy initially. Her doctor asked her to do an additional test when she was 5 months pregnant, through which she learned that her baby had trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).
After having delivered three perfectly healthy children, it was certainly a big shock to her. She admits that she was devastated and didn't know how to react. She cried the whole day when she found out the news, and then the whole week after it.
When she met with her doctor after learning the news, he said to her “I leave it up to you whether you want to keep the baby, if you want to continue the pregnancy or if you want to terminate it we will make it as easy as possible for you, but you will have to go to the hospital and have a regular childbirth delivery”.
She went to the Jewish General hospital for the abortion, before she decided to change her mind and keep the baby. Catherina, was guided by her faith and a dream she believes was from God that helped her resist the temptation to end the life of her child.
Read moreVigil 365: Two hearts. Two souls. Two lives!
Michael and Barbara, participants of the Vigil 365 - Photo: Joanne of Arc
By Joanne of Arc for Quebec Life Coalition
We hear a lot about the importance of creating good habits for a healthy and balanced life, such as taking a walk, eating well or going to bed at the same time. For most of us, we put a lot of effort into having a better quality of life. But how many people really care about life? I am referring to life at one of its most vulnerable stages: at the moment of conception.
Every morning of the year, a Vigil is held near the Berri-UQAM metro station. It was initiated in February 2020 by its organizer Brian Jenkins. People meet to pray for life and honor the unborn. In this case, it is not just a weekly good habit, but an important discipline in their spiritual lives.
In addition to praying together, the participants of the Vigil are often approached for a discussion. Sometimes, the people that are passing by are open-minded and want to understand what the participants are saying, at other times the discussions are rather difficult or even turn into personal accusations.
I had the opportunity to attend Vigil 365 and observe the interactions that took place during one morning this week. The participants also took a moment to chat with me and explain their motivations.
Michael attends the Vigil because he believes abortion is a grave injustice. He shared this with me: "There are many injustices that take place around the world, but most of them don't happen where I live. So this is something I can and should be involved in where I live. "
As to why the group chose this hectic location to pray, he tells me, "This corner we're on is kind of a contradiction in itself. There is an abortion clinic at the end of this street, around the other corner is UQAM University which is one of the most liberal universities in Montreal, and on the other side is the gay village which promotes promiscuity."
Ironically, there is also the beautiful Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes chapel in front of the UQAM University building, adorned with a golden statue of the Virgin Mary, which is in the center of all this activity.
Read moreLife Chain organized in Montreal without opposition this year
The Life Chain, a pro-life demonstration organized in Montreal on Sunday, October 2nd near the Namur metro station.
By Joanne of Arc (Quebec Life Coalition) - Photo: Joanne of Arc
On Sunday afternoon, October 2nd, Quebec Life Coalition organized an annual event called the Life Chain.
Each year, on the first Sunday of October, pro-life activists gather to form anti-abortion prayer chains in Canada and the United States. Their goal is to share a message in support of the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. In Montreal, the Life Chain has been organized since 1991, while in the United States it began in 1987. In 1990, Campaign Life Coalition began this activity in Canada.
Sunday's demonstration in Montreal took place near the Namur metro station, at the corner of Décarie Boulevard and Jean-Talon Street. On that sunny day, the group numbered about 20 people, both men and women, holding signs with messages in French and English such as:
- "Abortion kills children"
- "Yes to adoption"
- "Jesus forgives and heals"
- "Pray for an end to abortion"
Some Sense in Quebec
Many wonder whether common sense has left all senior officials in Quebec.
Fortunately, the head of a OB\gyn group has shown that some sense has not left Quebec.
40 Days for Life - Fall Campaign
We are preparing for our tenth (twice per year) 40 Days for Life prayer vigil for the end of abortion. This year it is set to begin September 25. For 40 consecutive days we will pray peacefully across the street from the Morgentaler abortuary on Saint Joseph Blvd, East.
In today's emails, I received a letter from Steve Lopez (pictured below) of Spiritus Films on the topic of praying outside abortion mills. I reproduce it here below as a run up for our vigil.