A 40-Day Anti-Abortion Vigil kicks off Tonight in Montreal
The 7th edition of a twice-a-year international prayer vigil for the end of abortion is kicking off this evening at 7pm in Lahaie Park (at the intersection of Saint-Laurent and Saint-Joseph boulevards), across the street from a Montreal abortion clinic.
Along with 257 other cities across the world, this "40 Days for Life" vigil, which will take place at Lahaie Park daily from 7am until 7pm from February 22nd until April 1st, aims to peacefully and prayerfully inform the public at large about the damage abortion has done to society.
Organised in Montreal by the Quebec Life Coalition (QLC), this year's vigil coincides with a new abortion defunding initiative spearheaded by QLC. This initiative will run alongside the 40 Days for Life right up until April 30th, the end of the tax season.
40 Days for Life - Ottawa, Ontario
In the days leading up to the beginning of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, I hope to profile the fourteen locations in Canada where vigils will be held. Today, I present the fourth in the series - Ottawa, Ontario.
In Ottawa, organizers are coordinating their fifth vigil. Visitors to their web site, click here, will be impressed by the novelty of several of their initiatives.First, the kick-off is set on the grounds of the federal legislative building - Parliament Hill. How many other campaigns can make that claim!
For the kick-off, set for Sunday September 25, vigilers will gather for 7:00 p.m. at Centennial Flame on the Hill. (Originally it was scheduled for the steps of the Parliament building but was displaced because Greenpeace protestors are awaited the following day and the RCMP need time to install barricades.)
Before proceeding in candlelight procession to the abortuary on Bank Street, those present will participate in prayer and listen to several invited guests. First, local Ottawa valley musician and artist Mr. Marcel Dion will lead those assembled in chanting Vespers - evening prayer. Afterwards, Ms. Ruth Lobo, Carleton University student and president of the university's pro-life club, Carleton Lifeline, and Ms. Doris Gagnon, founder and coordinator of local chapter of the Helpers of God's Precious Infants, will address the audience.
A second novel feature of the Ottawa 40-day vigil is the Proclamation of the Word. Occurring daily, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., for the durationof the vigil and done across the street from the abortion facility, Holy Scriptures will be read. Beginning with the book of Genesis and running through to Revelations, proclaimers will announce the word of God to persons in the vicinity of the abortuary.
Campaing Life Canada (CLC) representative Paul Lauzon says that National Coordinator for 40 Days for Life, Mr. David Bereit, has taken an active interested in this project. He likes the idea and and is considering to suggest that it be done nationally.
A third twist to the Ottawa campaign is its outreach program. For various reasons, many persons are unable to visit the vigil location. Hence, two programs have been initiated to permit them to participate, in the measure that they can. The first allows persons to register on line for a specific prayer period, much in the same manner that those travelling to site can. The second initiative is a visitation program whereby volunteers with kits go out into the community to visit shut-ins and others to foster prayer.
Further details regarding these programs and the vigil may be had by visiting the web site or by calling the CLC office (613-729-0379) or by calling vigil coordinator Jennifer (613-835-4201).
40 Days for Life - Record Number of Sites
The number keeps rising.
At this moment, beginning next Wednesday, September 28, the total number of 40 Days for Life vigil locations will be 301. This is up from the 297 of two weeks ago and the 247 from this past spring 2011. Quite an amazing growth considering the movement began only five years ago in a small college town in Texas.
Like a plant speading its roots and sprouting new stems, the pro-life vigil has arisen in 46 new locations. Thank God for the good sense of the ordinary citizen.
A full account of the activities at the 40 Days for Life site are available here.
40 Days for Life - NOW HIRING
Prayer warriors Wanted!
Start date: September 28.
Flex hours. Work at home, in church, or at the park.
Shifts: Morning, afternoon, and evening shifts available!
Work an hour or two, or as many as you wish!
To register, click here. (If you are a new user, sign in.) Peruse the schedule. Select an empty slot or one that works best for you. And register.
Not sure about registering, then just show up - Lahaie Park, opposite the Morgentaler abortion mill (30 Saint-Joseph Blvd. East, cross street Saint-Laurent.)
Pray silently alone or join the folks who are already there.
Cannot make it down to the park, pray at home, in your church, in your car, as you walk along. Any time – morning, afternoon, evening. lt all counts... for 40 days.
Make up your own prayer or use ours:
Heavenly Father,
We pray that the scourge of abortion be lifted from our land,
That those who promote it may be brought to a change of heart,
That all who are tempted to abortion may be lovingly helped to protect the precious gift of life,
And that all who have experienced an abortion may be comforted with the healing gift of love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Get your family, your friends, your church involved.
The unborn need you. The mothers-to-be need you.
Remember what God said: “He who honours me, I will honour him.” - 1 Sam,
Don't hesitate; 40 days runs by quickly.
Start date: September 28
40 Days for Life meetings -- Montreal and Quebec City
40 Days for Life in Montreal
For all those interested in participating in one way or another in the 40 Days for Life in Montreal, or for those who simply want to know more about this lifesaving effort, tomorrow, Wednesday August 17 at 6PM, there will be a first 40 Days for Life meeting for Montreal. The meeting will take place at the rear of Saint-Emile church, located at 3330 Rivier (5 minutes' walk from the Joliette metro stop).
What: First 40 Days for Life meeting for Montreal
When: tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17 at 6PM
Where: 3330 Rivier, at the rear of Saint-Emile church, 5 minutes' walking distance from the Joliette metro stop
Please respond if you plan to attend.
40 Days for Life in Quebec City
All who are interested in participating in the 40 Days for Life in Quebec city are asked to forward their email address and phone number to Christina, who is the head organiser of the 40 Days in Quebec City. Her email is: [email protected]
A first organisational meeting will be scheduled very soon!
Quebec City Joins 40 Days for Life Vigil!
Mark Wednesday, September 28, on your calendars for on this day begins the Fall, 2011 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.
For those of you unfamiliar with the “40 days for Life” concept, this is an INTERNATIONAL movement aimed at ending the practice of abortion. A 40 Days for Life campaign consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting combined with a constant, round-the-clock vigil at an abortion facility and proactive community outreach. The praying and fasting may be done outside abortion facilities or elsewhere where people of faith feel more comfortable to assemble. In either case, the aim is the same: to end this deadly and destructive practice.
First begun in 2004 in College Station, Texas, this forty day vigil has spread like wildfire both across the United States and across the world. For example, this past spring, 2011, there were 247 vigil locations occurring simultaneously in ten countries, with ten vigils in Canada.
These vigils are definitely having an immediate impact. Women in large numbers are deciding not to carry through with an abortion and are deciding to spare the lives of their unborn children. For example, during this past spring, 2011 vigil there were at least 483 reports of babies saved from abortions whereas at the end of fall, 2011, vigil, 541. These represent mothers who would have aborted their children if they had not seen one or more persons praying outside the abortion facility that she was about to enter.
The benefits of the vigil do not end there. For one, many abortion facilities have closed their doors permanently due to the praying that is going outside their doors.
Still another benefit of this continuous 40 days praying is the effect it is having on the hearts of many involved. Over the years, more than a few employees – nurses and staff have decided to resign their positions at these abortion facilities. Not only that but in the Fall 2009, pro-lifers witnessed something incredible; the manager of an abortion facility crossed the life line. Abby Johnston, the manager of the College Station Planned Parenthood, walked out of her office and centre joining pro-lifers in front of her facility after assisting the abortionist in a ultrasound-aided abortion. She relates her experience of having seen the foetus move away from the abortionist instruments during the procedure in a book entitled “UnPlanned.”
Here in Montreal, this will be the sixth edition of our 40-day, 12-hour per day prayer vigil. Quebec Life Coalition president Georges Buscemi began the first vigil in the spring of 2009. He and his stalwart crew braved the cold elements and the apathy within our community to deliver the all-important message to our fellow community members – Abortion kills a Human Being.
This past spring the apathy took a surprising swing. For the better part of the vigil, those praying outside of the Morgentaler facility on St. Joseph Blvd. were shadowed by counter-protesters. These people, varying in number between three and twenty and mostly twenty- somethings and present several hours each day, would promote the prochoice message alongside our own signs and banners.
Yet, our Lord is good in all things. I consider it a blessing to have had these young people there for it is an opportunity for us to witness to them the love of God and to carry the evangelical message of hope and love to them as well as to the motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. As the apostle Paul puts it, the sufferings of this age is nary to be compared to the glory to come. So if we can be witnesses of love and peace to these young folk, not to mention the more audacious and boisterous and belligerent passer-by, it will be counted to our credit and to the credit of the One who is our all.
Lastly, I have been informed that there will be a second vigil occurring in La Belle Province: Quebec City will be undertaking its first vigil. Details remain to be worked out in terms of the site and hours. Stay in tune to our website (www.cqv.qc.ca/en/40days) for details.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE -- back in Montreal this Spring from March 8 to April 17
Planning is in full swing for the next 40 Days for Life vigil. Materials have been printed, phone calls made, and visits done, and more.
40 Days for Life is a twice-yearly 40-day vigil outside of an abortion facility. Participants are asked to pray and fast so as to bring an end to abortion. This year there are 246 registered groups worldwide, up from the 238 from this past Fall, 2010, and up from the 1 when it all got going in 2007, in College Station, Texas.
Here in Montreal, the vigil begins with a kickoff on Tuesday, March 8, at 7pm in Lahaie park, across the street from 30 Saint-Joseph E, where the Morgentaler clinic is located. This is a full month later than last year and so we will enjoy greater daylight hours and, hopefully, warmer climes. The following day, Ash Wednesday, vigilers will show up at 7am and will replace one another throughout the day until 7pm. This pattern will continue through until Sunday, April 17, 2011 – i.e., 40 continuous days.
Praying and fasting are the order of the day during this span of time. We take our lead from Christ who directed his disciples to pray and fast so as to augment one's faith and to exorcise certain demons, of which, we know, are plentiful.
Leading to March 8, numerous visits have been made. In addition to contacting local pastors, on Friday, February 4, 201, four of us from the Quebec-Life Coalition – CQV, visited the church of St. Vincent de Paul in Pont Viau, Laval, to promote the vigil. We were invited to attend the monthly prayer group. The evening began with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel followed by rosary for life. Afterward, fifteen or so of us gathered in an adjoining room where a brief presentation was made about the Forty Days for Life concept and the experience here in Montreal. The laptop of Georges Buscemi, CQV president, facilitated the presentation, permitting those in attendance to get a glimpse of the pro-life movement both here in Canada and in the U.S.
Yet, more is left to be done. We continue with our meetings and follow-ups and our core group is set to meet. Numerous church groups have been contacted ; so, if you have not heard from us, do give us a call.
Also, if you are unable to attend because you live far away, consider organizing your own vigil? We'd love to help and make our resources available to you. Contact us to find out how you can start up your own 40 Days.
Also, you can visit the official page of the 40 Days for Life in Montreal for updates, flyers, etc. as they become available: www.cqv.qc.ca/en/40days
40 jours pour la vie, un moment important
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski and Steve Jalsevac
TORONTO, February 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The 40 Days for Life campaign got off to a successful start across Canada as kick-off rallies and events took place yesterday to prepare for the beginning of the forty days of peaceful vigil and prayer for an end to abortion.
Nicole Campbell, coordinator of the 40 Days for Life Toronto, told LifeSiteNews that over 350 people gathered at St. Charles Borromeo Church for a rally yesterday at 3 p.m. The crowd was addressed by several speakers and encouraged by music provided by a group of musicians who assembled for the occasion.
Angelina Steenstra and two other members of Silent No More Awareness Campaign spoke on the disastrous effect of abortion on the mental and physical well-being of women. The very personal and often heart breaking testimonies of the three women captured total attention and here and there listeners could be seen wiping tears from their eyes.One listener told LifeSiteNews she could hardly breath during the testimonies because she found them so riveting.
Two Toronto based Sisters of Life were present. Sister Monica Faustina shared a moving success story from a previous 40 Days for Life campaign in New York city and spread the Sisters' usual infectious joy and exuberance to the crowd.
Nicole Campbell, spoke on the need to put faith into action by coming out and participating in the silent vigil kept at the abortuary, and of the need of constant prayer support for those keeping vigil and for a conversion of souls to the culture of life. She emphasized that the actions of those who participate in the 40 days for Life are intended to reach out to women with love, both before and after abortion, and to those who come to the abortion centres with them. Conversion, the changing of hearts and minds, as well as saving women and babies from abortion, were emphasized to be the primary goals of 40 Days. She also urged all participants to pray for abortionists and their staff.
Campaign Life Coalition president Jim Hughes gave a brief history of the efforts of CLC to bring 40 Days for Life to Canada, its great success in Ottawa last fall and the expansion of the 40 days to other provinces.
In Ottawa a Vesper service was held at St. Patrick's Basilica yesterday evening as part of a "spiritual launch" of the 40 Days for Life in the nation's capital.
Paul Lauzon, coordinator of 40 Days for Life Ottawa, told LSN that over 250 people attended the service, which was presided over by Archbishop Terence Prendergast, who was accompanied by The Rt. Rev. Carl L. Reid of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada.
In a short homily during the service Archbishop Prendergast spoke of fasting, prayer and personal conversion as the essence of Lent and as being integral to the 40 Days for Life campaign.
One unique initiative of this 40 Days for Life campaign reaches out to those who do not have an official campaign in their city or cannot make it out to the Vigil outside of the local abortion facility. The initiative is a prayer support registry called 40 Days for Life @ 180º
The idea is similar to the one used for recording who will be holding vigil in front of the abortion centre at a particular time. Each participant can register for one or more hours of the available 960 hours of the Campaign, indicating the Church or Group and the City they represent.
The goal is to cover the calendar completely with prayer warriors and is a way of acknowledging the participation of Canadians across the country, from north to south (hence the 180º), who want to participate with their prayers and sacrifices to build unity and momentum and strength for the 40 Days for Life global campaign.
The registration form is available here: http://www.40daysforlife.com/ottawa/index.cfm?load=page&...
All five Canadian cities hosting the campaign will have kick-off rallies to begin the Vigil on Tuesday evening, February 24, near the abortuary where pro-lifers will hold vigil for the 40 days of Lent.
At this time there are still lots of uncommitted hours to be filled and the campaign organizers are encouraging everyone to contact their local 40 Days for Life coordinators:
Ottawa: Paul Lauzon, [email protected] - 613.729.0379
Toronto: Nicole Campbell [email protected] - 416.204.9749
Montreal: Georges Buscemi [email protected] - 519.569.0369
Winnipeg: Maria Slykerman, [email protected] - 204.452.2459
Edmonton: Karen Richert (Edmonton Pro-Life), [email protected] - 780.425.1637
To learn more about the 40 Days for Life Campaign, please visit the website: http://www.40daysforlife.com/ottawa/index.cfm?active=1
Lancement des 40 jours pour la vie - 24 février a 19h30 / 40 Days for Life Kickoff February 24
****English version below****
Soeurs et frères en Jésus Christ ! Vous êtes invités au lancement des 40 jours pour la vie à Montréal, le: mardi, 24 février, à 19h30, au parc Lahaie, coin St. Joseph et St. Dominique (en face du 30 St. Joseph E., l'adresse de la clinique d'avortement Morgentaler).
Voir la carte: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=45.522909,-73.591297&daddr=&hl=fr&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=45.523428,-73.592327&sspn=0.003601,0.009656&ie=UTF8&ll=45.522871,-73.591189&spn=0.003601,0.009656&z=17
Le "40 jours pour la vie" est un évènement oecuménique Chrétien pro-vie.
Pour 40 jours, débutant le 25 février et terminant le 5 avril (le temps du Carême), plus de 130 villes au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Irlande du Nord et en Australie tiendront des vigiles de prière et de jeûne de 40 jours, minimum 12 heures par jour, devant une clinique d'avortement (svp voir www.40daysforlife.com/montreal pour plus de détails) pour la fin de l'avortement. En plus de pouvoir vous inscire à la vigile (pour ce faire, vous n'avez qu'à suivre ce lien:
(http://www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal/ ) comme Chrétien -- laïc, religieux, ou pasteur -- vous êtes invités à prier et jeûner durant ces 40 jours à cette intention cruciale. Finalement, les "40 jours" à Montréal, ainsi que toutes les autres campagnes, lanceront des campagnes de sensibilisation publiques qui comprendront plusieurs activités tels la distribution de circulaires en ville et la rédaction de lettres à l'éditeur, etc. Le mûr de silence qui entoure cet infanticide institutionalisé qu'est l'avortement doit tomber.
Pour ce faire, nous Chrétiens devont nous retourner vers Dieu en sonnant la trompette du salut par la foi en Jésus Christ. Pour trop longtemps notre silence a été perçu comme une approbation; et même il faut l'avouer, le sang des enfants à naître est sur nous, aussi. Donc, il nous faut agir dès aujourd'hui--il nous faut refuser de vivre dans cet Égypte qu'est notre situation politique et sociale contemporaine. Pour dire "oui" à Jésus, il nous faut dire "non" à l'avortement! Nous n'offrons pas toutes les solutions pour rebâtir ce Québec dévasté, mais nous avons, avec Jésus, la pierre angulaire de cet édifice glorieux que pourrait être le Québec renouvellé de demain!
Chrétiens, qui êtes le corps du Christ, venez donc au lancement des "40 jours pour la vie" ce 24 février à 19h30. Il y aura des discours, de la prière avec chandelles, suivi d'une courte procession au couvent Franciscain où se déroulera une session d'inscription à la vigile. Vous aurez aussi la chance d'appuyer financièrement les "40 jours" en achetant de la marchandise, ou en nous demandant comment vous pouvez vous impliquer plus profondément dans l'évangélisation pro-vie ici à Montréal.
POUR S'INSCRIRE À LA VIGILE DES 40 JOURS:www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal
Organisateur Comité organisationnel du 40 JOURS pour la VIE - Montréal
Tél: 514-928-4819
courriel: [email protected]
web: www.40daysforlife.com/montreal
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, You are invited to the kickoff event for the 40 Days for Life in Montreal, on: Tuesday, February 24, at 7:30PM, at the "Parc Lahaie", on the corner of St. Joseph and St. Dominique (across from 30 St. Joseph E., which is the address of the Morgentaler abortion facility).
See map here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=45.522909,-73.591297&daddr=&hl=fr&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=45.523428,-73.592327&sspn=0.003601,0.009656&ie=UTF8&ll=45.522871,-73.591189&spn=0.003601,0.009656&z=17
The 40 Days for Life is an international Christian ecumenical pro-life event involving 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion (see http://www.40daysforlife.com/about.cfm ). From February 25 to April 5 (Lent), over 130 cities in Canada, the US, Australia and Northern Ireland will engage in a 40 day, minimum 12 hours per day vigil in front of an abortion clinic to pray and fast for an end to abortion. In addition to enrolling in the vigil proper (which you can do by following this link: http://www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal/ ) as a Christian --lay, religious, or pastors or priest-- you are invited to pray and fast during this Lenten period for this crucial intention. Finally, the Montreal campaign, as well as all the others, will conduct a public awareness campaign through the vigil, of course, but also by means of a street campaign and letter writing, as well as radio and other media announcements. The silence about abortion must end!
We Christians have all been silent collaborators in the culture of death for far too long--so let us proclaim the way of repentence. A cultural renewal can only begin by identifying the wrongs in the way we live and discerning, by praying to Almighty God, the way out of the Egypt that is our political and social reality.
The 40 Days for Life is but a step to cultural and societal renewal in Montreal and the province at large. Let us begin with this small step! So, Body of Christ, come to the kickoff this February 24 at 7:30 pm! There will be some speeches and candle-lit prayer outside, and then we will proceed to the Franciscan convent nearby for a registration session, and some refreshments and food. Here you will have the opportunity to support the 40 Days by registering to the vigil, by buying 40 Days products, or by asking how you can otherwise help this campaign.
Yours in Christ,
SIGN UP HERE FOR THE 40 DAYS VIGIL:www.vigilcalendar.com/montreal
web: www.40daysforlife.com/montreal
Main Coordinator 40 Days for Life - Montreal
Organizing Committee
Tel: 514-928-4819
email: [email protected]
website: www.40daysforlife.com/montreal-english
Les 40 jours pour la vie dans le diocèse de Toronto
40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign that has generated measurable lifesaving results in more than 130 cities where it has been implemented. It has lead to a significant drop in abortions on almost all locations, and in some places such as the State of North Dakota Some to the closing of all abortion clinics.
The 40 Days for Life campaign is made up of three key components: prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach.