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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Over 5,000 Signatures in 6 Days: Let’s Stop Legault’s Ban on Public Prayer!

Last Wednesday, we launched a petition to fight against François Legault’s outrageous proposal to ban public prayer in Quebec. In just 6 days, over 5,000 people have signed, sending a clear message: We will not stand by as our Christian culture and freedoms are vandalized!

The Real Problem with Legault’s Ban

Legault claims his intention is to curb “Islamist” displays, but sweeping bans have collateral damage. They target all public manifestations of faith—Christian processions, public rosaries, or even Nativity scenes during Christmas. It’s the kind of “solution” that secularists love: create a crisis, then use it as a pretext to eliminate Christianity from the public square.

Legault needs to understand that if he goes through with this plan, he will look like a tin-pot dictator—a small-scale, communist-style leader aiming to erase religion from Quebec. If he wants to avoid this embarrassment, let him back down now.

Why This Matters Beyond Quebec

This is not just a Quebec problem. Quebec has acted as a "woke laboratory" since the 1960s, cooking up destructive ideas that later spread across Canada and even the world. Abortion, euthanasia, and “same-sex marriage” all gained momentum here before infecting other places.

This proposed ban on public prayer is no different—it’s a mind virus that we need to stop at the source. If we succeed in Quebec, we’ll spare the rest of Canada and the world yet another attack on faith and common sense.

How You Can Help

  1. Sign the petition now if you haven’t already:
  2. Share this petition with your friends and family. Let them know what’s happening in Quebec.
  3. Support this campaign: We need resources to promote the petition online and reach thousands more. Your donation can help us amplify this effort and send a stronger message to Legault.


The Time Is Now

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, this is no time for the government to trample on our freedom to express our faith publicly. Let’s defend what remains of Quebec’s Christian culture—and ensure that this dangerous idea is stopped in its tracks.

Thank you for your support and your prayers. Together, we can make a difference.

For Faith, family and Life, from conception to natural death,

Georges Buscemi

President, Campagne Québec-Vie

P.S. Over 5,000 signatures in just 6 days proves that people care deeply about this issue. Let’s keep the momentum going—sign, share, and help us stop this attack on public prayer!


Vigil 365

The Vigil 365 is a prayer vigil where, every day for one or two hours, pro-lifers pray in a public place at a certain distance from an abortuary for the end of abortion... Read the latest news about the Vigil 365.

For more information, contact Brian Jenkins on (438) 930-8643.

Click here for the latest news about the Vigil.

Have you ever thought of sharing your pro-life testimony?

Quebec Life Coalition is collecting pro-life stories for a publication.

Many of the stories that we have already heard from our supporters are powerful witnesses to the dignity of the pre-born infant and can have the potential of touching the lives of our fellow Canadians and Quebecers. Do you have a story to share?

If you had a radical change from pro-abortion to pro-life, if you surmounted hardships to keep your child, if you have adopted or were adopted, if you regretted your abortion, if you are passionate to defend life, if you have lived an exceptional, beautiful or hard situation related to life — we would like to hear from you.

We will be looking for submissions of an approximate length of 1000–5000 words (3–10 pages in a book). Please send us an e-mail at [email protected]. for more information.

News of the week:

Dear Mr. Legault, we Quebecers are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus-Christ, the Saviour of the world, Emmanuel, “God with us” ... and it is during this Advent season that you have the absurd idea of saying that you are going to concoct a law to prevent us from praying in public?... Read more.

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  • published this page in News 2024-12-17 17:35:38 -0500